Star Wars, Last Gerbil

in #starwars7 years ago (edited)


Did you see the October 2017 trailer of Star Wars Last Jedi during an ESPN NFL football game half-time show or did you catch it online like a minute after that? Are you ready to be a little spoiled? Spoiler Alert, Below:

2017-10-10 Tuesday 2 PM MDNH JOEYARNOLDVN

I have been a Star Wars fan since I was 12 years old, for 20 years now as it is 2017 now, since 1997 with the Star Wars Special Edition of the Original Trilogy (OT) of the first three films that were made in the late 1970's and early 1980's by Lucas Films & Fox & others. I kind of saw Space Balls before 1997 & maybe saw bits & pieces of Star Wars OT before 1997 too but then became an even bigger fan in 1997 as I saw all of the OT for the first time, in full, in the cinema.

I'm a fan of the cartoon shows, too, the 2 Clone Wars shows, & the Rebels. In Last Jedi, they may reveal the identity or origin of Snoke. Who is Snoke? Is Luke Skywalker going to the dark side? What are your questions? What are your reactions? What do you think is going on? Star Wars, The Last Mickey Mouse.

I am kidding but I love that new pet or friend of Chewbacca. I think Snoke is Plagueis, the master of Palpatine, the Emperor, Sidious. If not, then maybe Darth Bane. If not that, then maybe an apprentice of either Palpatine or Plagueis or maybe somebody from unexplored space. I guess it does not matter who Snoke is as long as it is very cool and stuff. I want Snoke to be as big and bad as possible. Ren will probably blow up Leia. So, Leia is probably as dead as Carrie Fisher, now. Luke probably does not want to train Rey but then does. Maybe, Rey and Ren are not really joining forces. What do you think? I'm Joey Arnold, Original Oatmeal, L4OJ, Oregon Ojawall Ironic Mystic 1985: I'm Cool Kid, of FGOR, WOL, AWANA, FGHS, WOLBI, ABC, TSA, REVHI, PDX, AGAPE COC, Kuratli, Redwood Glen, Moore Street, Icebreaker, Hanoi, Saigon, Bac Ninh, Dalat, Ho Chi Minh City, TP.HCM, HCMC, TP.HCMC, HCM, SG, HN, Vietnam, VN.

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