Ancient Snoke

in #starwars7 years ago (edited)

How old is that big giant in Force Awakens and where did he come from? Did he write the prophecy as a feedback loop as a way to get the Jedi & Sith to divide and fight against each other as he sucks em.
2017-09-23 Saturday 6 PM OTC JOEYARNOLDVN:

OTC. Purio. MD NH. OTC. 2 rice meals as normal. Stayed at Purio until almost 12 PM noon. Got an email from CBS whom told me to delete my OBS part boxing for a second test video with education and history and comments included which makes it fair use. I deleted the video but was not going to do that. I made a video about it. I wrote about it. I told people about the bad CBS did to me today. Chinh Pham came with his 4 year old student. Chinh became my student August or so 2016. That means almost everyday for 13 or so months now. I watch videos about world news all day each day from people and websites and groups and channels and places like Info Wars, Drudge, Cernovich, Jack, Trump, MAGA patriots,,,, WND.COM, TheRebel,Media,, Lionel Nation, Alex Jones, War Room, Real Room, RT, Hannity, Milo, Tomi, gay frogs, memes, funny things, historical things, music stuff, documentaries, Prison Planet, Agenda of Evil, Wiki Leaks, Operation Veritas, ACLJ.ORG, NOMOREFAKENEWS.ORG,,,,,,,,, FDRURL.COM, Molyneux, GAB, VIDME, MINDS.COM, MEDIUM.COM, STEEMIT.COM,, Ken Ham,,,,, and much more. I had conversations with Chinh today about my life and about freedom and I showed him when Alex Jones was mocking the god of North Korea and his son was laughing and I compared the laws of Vietnam with the USA and about how Uncle Ho Chi Minh allegedly said Vietnam law can try to copy the constitution of the USA to some extent. It could be a question and debate of how similar or different they were and are now, the USA and VN. What it mostly depends on is we the people and what we try to do demand from government and stuff. At Opera Tea Club cafe place, OTC, they have not been having cookies for the past week straight or maybe they lie to me and sometimes they do but not now it seems. I buy the cake which is 38K VND and 20K for 5+ hours stay. And that is my life. I talk and learn and watch and share each day. Stuff like that. I go to shower in the morning at PC at NT around 8 AM. I go to MD NH to eat rice & chicken around 10 AM. I go to eat outside and then go into OTC around 5 or 6 PM each day. That has been my schedule for 2017, this year, but my schedule was AC, that is Anh Coffee, mostly in 2016 until maybe April or so 2017 this year. I am Joey Arnold Oatmeal OJAWALL JOEYARNOLDVN.

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