My "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" Premiere Costume

in #starwars7 years ago (edited)

This is what I wore to the Star Wars: The Last Jedi IMAX premiere in Estonia. I call it: A Sith disguised as Leia Organa, about to murder everybody at the premiere.

What did I think about the movie? I think people these days are spoiled and impossible to satisfy - I thought the film was fantastic. With it's flaws, sure, but the old Star Wars movies didn't have flaws? Come on. Flawless art doesn't exist, that's why it's art. These days, it's sad that Disney has to resort to surprising fans to make money in the box office, when it used to be that people just made movies for fun and for expressing their personal vibe, not catering to the masses and worrying about ratings. It's when you don't give a shit and just make what you think is cool, when the masses will be satisfied because then the movie will be fun and unexpected, because you will surprise yourself. And when you surprise yourself making art, you will surprise others.

I am worried that people are getting more and more hard to stimulate and simple appreciation for other people's work is diminishing. This makes artists anxious and self-conscious and that is bad. Because art isn't about that. Just fucking enjoy the god-damn Star Wars movie man. And at the end of the day, it's just a movie - don't get your panties in a twist. If you didn't like it so much, appreciate what was done, move on and make your own Star Wars movie - a better one. There's your opportunity.

May The Force be with you.



Oh cool cosplay idea as Lea Sith :P May the Steem be with you ;)

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