*Actor Diaries* STAR WARS - I have been on the LIGHT side AND the Dark side!

in #starwars7 years ago

LIGHT SIDE: Check out this awesome Star Wars film I starred in last year! I got to run around in a disused RAF bunker shooting storm troopers! It was so much fun I literally had tears in my eyes ; I had a little nap while the crew were setting up and then woke up in a semi-sleep state and walked through a doorway in to my dream come true! There were lights, cameras, stormtroopers, a mouse droid and just the most buzzing atmosphere I have ever felt on set. After years of creative disillusionment it was quite a shock to my inner child to suddenly be involved in something so exciting - even if it is only a couple of minutes long with no dialogue! CHECK IT OUT:

Oh my cliffhanger! Whats going to happen? Do they survive??? Who knows! All I know is I almost died with happiness being given the opportunity to be involved in this production and I still get a slice of that childhood magic that was the reason I wanted to become an actor in the first place, EVERY TIME I watch it. Here is a fun little behind the scenes video of the 2 day shoot we did if you want to see a little more about how it was made:

Now I did tell you I have been to the DARK SIDE as well..... so its only fair that I show you this incriminating evidence of my life as a Sith (long before I saw the error of my ways and joined the rebel army! haha).

This was just a photoshoot and was how I first met the FXHOME team and EMBER films who are the incredible teams who came together to make the Rebellion film last year and THEN Halo Jump this year (a recreation of the Godzilla SkyDive scene) which also stars ME and you can watch that and read about it in my previous post: https://steemit.com/video/@basilmarples/actor-diaries-halo-jump-godzilla-re-creation-me-jumping-out-of-a-plane-watch-now

MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! FEEL THE FORCE you pathetic Stemians! I will destroy you ALL!!!!! Oh wait no.......Ive joined the Steemy Side now. whoops....

These films and photo shoots are all made to help users of HitFilm to learn how to create visual effect. They get released as tutorials through the Hitfilm website https://hitfilm.com/ where you can download the free version of the software (called HitFilm express) and begin working with this exact footage to recreate the effects in the films! Pretty awesome right? Just think how well you would get to know the angle of my nose after hours and hours of staring at it while you composite lazers and holograms over it?

Anyway. The real moral of this story is follow your passion without expectation. You may not ever get to hollywood like you imagined when you were a child, but if you keep true to yourself and take the opportunities that FEEL right, you will be surprised by the incredible moments of magic and fulfillment that sneak up on you sometimes! It really does all feel worth it for those tiny moments of awesomeness :D :D :D

Major Love Beams to you all from the Light Side AND the Dark Side!!!
Enjoy The Last Jedi tomorrow Star Wars fans!

x Basil


Basil this is amazing bro! Somehow I knew there was a loving Sith inside of you...

underneath my cold hearted rebel exterior there is indeed a loving Sith! haha

Wow this must have been an interesting experience, how cool that people are learning film editing while looking at the amazing basil marbles!

haha! And little do they know....! I foresee myself bumping in to someone in the street someday who's just like: 'wait a minute, I used your face to learn 3D mapping!' And I'll be like '3D map this!' and lightsabre their ankles off..... or something......no wait, Im getting confused

That's it! It's conclusive you are the most gifted young Skywalker of Steemit nobody even comes close.

woah, Thats some ultra high praise Lord Vache! My control of the force is still humble in the neon shadow of the Ju-Ju Star operated by yourself and the high empress @juliakponsford!

I am afraid that there is no Jedi to your level in our film but there is some Sith lord creeping around for sure...

I CAN NOT WAIT for the realease :D :D :D

BASIL! that was so awesome! Super cool to watch you running through all the corridors with all the PeW pew of blasters? So fun and well done!

I know right! I was all heroic and stuff for a couple of minutes there!

oh so epic!

how cool! That was AMAZING! ♥
You rock! and... you are an actor!! that's awesome!
Nice short film! what a wonderful experience it must 've been!
You did great in it!

oh, hey.. by the way.. i mentioned you on my penultimate post.. if you want to check that out ;)

hey thanks kat! Thats the 2nd time I have been nominated for the photo thing! For some reason I have not done it yet..... I don't have much motivation for photography and I am still so busy, Im only just getting round to recording my song this week and I have to edit my steemfest documentary! I have got myself in to all sorts of creative endeavours, maybe I will get round to doing this challenge, but it is a busy time :) x

awesome! Super cool to watch you running through all

Glad you enjoyed it! I RUN THROUGH ALL!!!!!

That was really well done :)

I know man, these guys are incredible at what they do.... I just can't believe theyre right here in Norfolk where I live!

Small world - I live in Lowestoft lol

no freaking way! haha! I live near Diss! Time for a Norfolk Steemup!

Yes! It would :)

That looked like a lot of fun!

Almost jelly of the poor, doomed Stormtrooper, so assiduously polished by your costar. Sorta gives a whole new meaning to the term 'polished off'.


haha! I know. Special treatment.....I guess thats how they get so many to sign up!

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