My Startup Journey - Part 4

in #startup6 years ago

So far I have written below parts:

In this part, I'm gonna write on KISS law!


Keep It Simple, Stupid! yes! I mean it. I needed that law a lot in my first years of entrepreneurship.
The problem starts here: you are good at something, you know everything about it, therefore, you are great with the math. let me explain with an example:

You have a restaurant, you have been a great chef, know all the tastes, ingredients, spices, tricks and tips to make affordable dish with great taste.

That's amazing! let's rock!

Yes it is; but the problem starts right here:
you design the menu, and you want to give all the information and options to your customer, to let them have the best experience. And you confuse them, give them the feeling they never survive your maze of menu!

different sizes, portions, different sauces, several cooking methods, several oil options etc!

image source

I had a very complicated form of Internet Access tariff in the town, a combination of Transmitted traffic with time usage and a limit of daily access!
My logic and reason behind this, was to give my clients a possibility to design the best package for themselves and pay less. and also I could analyze the customer types and make discounts on my empty capacity. But not all my clients were eager to go through complicated math and calculation of those parameters.

It took me a year to make it simple and offer internet access per hour only! and over time I gathered my clients' behavior and started offering discount packages.

So the KISS law is real! don't underestimate.

Selling Sophisticated shares!

Finding a partner, can be very helpful, especially if it is a silent partner, or smart money, or a seed investor. I had all three options during my second year.

In the second year, I had a solid growth, promising stats and convincing accounting. I was expanding my ISP with its own income, at a rate of 400% annual! So I had:

  • family members interested, which means silent partner
  • bigger companies and ISP interested, which is smart money
  • and bi-product suppliers interested, seed investors

I missed all three, for one reason: Sophisticated Proposal

I ridiculously invented a dynamic method of dividing share and asset calculation which was too difficult to understand, and I was insisting on explaining it to investors.

Finally I failed with each one at a different stage of process and lost the market slowly, just like the deals with them!

Now, at the age of 39, I can see how they were looking at me, proposing them those equations:

image source

So never forget the KISS law! and Keep it Simple forever.

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