How to control stress in 5 steps?

in #stars6 years ago


Sometimes we find it difficult to control stress. Throughout our journey, it is very common to feel unable to achieve everything that we propose and that costs us to sleep, resting badly during the night and getting up early tired.

They are also very common those headaches, which both irritate and bother us throughout the day, and do not allow us to concentrate on our work or simply to have a healthy and "normal" lifestyle.

A very high percentage of all these symptoms are generated by stress. We say that stress is a global response of our body when we meet and face a situation that we perceive as threatening and / or challenging.
But this response is not as negative as they teach us socially, since it takes place to facilitate the adaptation of the organism, putting all our resources available and facilitating their activation to overcome this threatening situation such as examinations, job search, sentimental problems, couple…

Therefore, we can affirm that stress is positive, since our life and its environment are in a continuous change that demands continual adaptation.

Why do we use stress as "something" so negative?

This is because if this response is prolonged in time or its intensity is too high can have harmful effects on our body, generating negative barriers to our vital system, becoming an obstacle to overcome in order to enjoy a healthy life.

The solution is to understand the meaning of stress positively and learn to manage it, keeping it within acceptable and even healthy levels, for our lifestyle and overcoming personal goals.

What are the 5 steps to controlling stress?

Controlling stress is possible by putting some advice into practice. If you get it you can turn it into an ally in your day to day.


Look at the positive

If we are faced with a "negative" situation, lament and punish you with a "yes ..." will not help or solve the problem, probably the opposite. There is a life slogan that I use every day and it is: "Everything happens for something good that allows me to obtain an immensely positive learning".

If you find yourself this way, learn from the situation and integrate that learning for the next occasion. A recommended exercise is to eliminate words such as "never" from our language, trying to replace the "I can not" with "how can I?".


Be aware of your thoughts

In order to enjoy a full and peaceful life in all aspects, it is fundamental to be aware of our "I". Our thoughts influence how we perceive, value and act in each situation.

When you find yourself in a complicated situation, eliminate the negative thoughts and focus on the positive ones, taking a deep breath and asking yourself: "What can I get out of this?" On many occasions like this, we are not responsible for what is bothering us.

Taking this reflection into account will also help you to control stress, to take things much more relaxed and without pressure. Remember that not all the weight of the world falls on you.

Do not overload yourself with activities

At this point the good use of assertiveness and being realistic is important. Like the previous point, you are not perfect and you do not have to please everyone. In addition, each person has personal maps of their own that are different from yours. Only for that reason is it impossible to "be perfect for the world".

Give yourself the opportunity to fail, make mistakes, and learn from the mistakes you make. You will achieve immense inner growth by feeling and perceiving life in this way.

Learn to delegate

You can not afford to do and accomplish everything. It is good from time to time to seek the support of your closest people if you need it and you feel that you can not do everything you have to do and find it difficult to control stress.

In addition, asking for help favors personal relationships and generates a greater emotional bond with the people you love, leaving aside your egocentric and narcissistic "me" that everything can achieve without help from anyone, and spoils social relationships.


Take care of your personal relationships

At this point we do a little bit of reference to the previous one. It is very important to enjoy the company of the people you love, close to you, but try to keep in mind the desire to share those moments with joy, happiness with our loved ones and people around us with whom we feel good.

Healthy social relationships and, most importantly, "human" relationships make us feel stronger and capable of anything we want or want in our lives.

For all these guidelines to become commonplace in our lives, it takes time, perseverance and responsibility. I encourage you to put them into practice as soon as possible to avoid the "misuse" of stress and perceive it on the contrary, as a friend who can give us a hand too many times of our day to day.

I wait they have liked my publication! Kisses...

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Wow its helpfull for me. Thanks for the post :)

Thanks for reading my friend!

Welcome :)

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