There was a huge shake-up on the Han Solo movie earlier this week. Does Disney know what it is doing?

in #star-wars7 years ago

Quite a bit happened while I was on vacation in Canada.

For me, the biggest news (not involving my family and me hemorrhaging money to entertain them) was the huge creative change made on the Han Solo movie slated to be released in 2018.

When I first heard that the team of Phil Lord and Chris Miller were directing the Han Solo movie, I was THRILLED. I loved the last three movies directed by the duo. 21 Jump Street could have merely been a serious ripoff/update of the TV show. Instead, the team actually created something new and better. They were able to perfectly marry a fresh idea with enough shout outs to the original that both old and new fans could enjoy it... and they managed to do it in a very humorous way. (Plus they pulled off one of the best secret cameos I have ever seen). In the sequel, 22 Jump Street they spoofed their own spoof. Although that is incredibly difficult to do, they did it to perfection. I think the sequel may have actually been funnier than the original.

The Lego Movie has a place in my heart all its own. It could have been a mindless 90 minute commercial for one of the greatest toys ever. Instead, Lord and Miller told a real story. In fact, I know some English teachers who use it as a perfect illustration of "the hero's journey". It was funny and touching. I honestly believe it was a masterpiece of animation. Its omission from the nominees for a 2014 Oscar caused me to realize that the Academy Awards are a joke.

Everything is awesome! Everything is awesome when you tell an actual story instead of going for a cash grab!

These three accomplishments by Phil Lord and Chris Miller lead me to believe that the Han Solo movie would be filled with the humor it deserved. I have always felt the character of Han Solo was a throwback to the swashbuckling heroes of the black and white adventures I would watch as a kid. I was hoping those directors would be able to not only capture that feel, but expand upon it.

But would it be too humorous? I didn't want a spoof of Han Solo. I wanted to see his Hero's Journey (because he is a true hero whether he wants to admit it or not). But I trusted those guys to take care of my favorite character ever and to help him shine.

And then... they were fired.

Something tell she that there will be no "glitch" resulting in paychecks for Lord and Miller.

I have no idea why they were fired. There are reports out there claiming to know the reason. To be honest, I don't really care what the reason was. The fact is, they are out. No amount of internet detective work or complaining will change that. Maybe it is for the best. Maybe not. It simply doesn't matter because the horse is out of the barn.

But I am moving forward... and remaining cautiously optimistic.

So far, every Star Wars project Disney has touched has been a home run for me. Admittedly, this is mainly due to the fact that I have embraced the idea that the franchise has been handed down to a new generation (and I happen to be the father of two of them). My kids love The Force Awakes, Rogue One and Rebels.

Another example of something that could be a vapid commercial... but it is so much more.

As a result of this track record, I have to give Disney the benefit of the doubt in their choice to replace Phil Lord and Chris Miller. The studio has chosen...

Ron Howard

My initial reaction was not elation. It was actually confusion.

Don't get me wrong. I like Ron Howard. He was the narrator of my second favorite TV show ever (Arrested Development) and has guest starred on my favorite show (The Simpsons) twice. But I had to rack my brain to think of good movies that Ron Howard has directed lately. I had to stretch the meaning of "lately" to find any.

The last movie that he directed that I kind of liked was 1996's Ransom... and I haven't seen that in years so it may have actually sucked.

I think I liked 1995's Apollo 13 and 1991's Backdraft (But I haven't seen either of those in 20 years so I honestly can't remember).

The ones I know I liked were 1989's Parenthood, 1988's Willow, 1985's Cocoon, 1984's Splash and 1982's Nightshift (I love this one).

I never saw In the Heart of the Sea, Rush or The Dilemma (did anyone?)

I didn't like A Beautiful Mind, Cinderella Man or The DaVinci Code.

This was a wonderful NBC television movie!

Oh before I forget, the 1978 Ron Howard directed movie Cotton Candy has a special place in my heart. I watched it all the time as a kid... but that doesn't mean its a good movie.

Whether you agree or disagree with my opinions of those movies, do any of them scream out, "This guy was MADE to direct a Star Wars movie!"?

I don't think so. Hence the confusion.

No matter what, I am going to take my kids to see the Han Solo movie. I want to believe that Disney knows what they are doing. But I am nervous.

I hope that Howard can direct an amazing Han Solo adventure. I hope that the movie will have humor and heart. I hope my kids will like it. I hope that it won't be a cash grab.

So what do you think? Should I have hope that Ron Howard will pull this off or should I simply lower my expectations for a movie I have been dreaming about for 40 years?

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I read they fired the other directors because they were turning Han Solo into Ace Ventura. They were apparently adlibbing a lot. And when Lawrence Kasdan wrote the script, that's a no-no. My concern is that Kathleen Kennedy apparently wasn't watching what was going on.

What I read what was that she came in and watched a lot of the footage and then let them go.

I think Howard can handle a big studio production.

He was asked by Lucas to direct Episode 1. They about how different that would have been.

But if they really did that much damage they should push the movie back.

I saw that as well. I heard they were allowing to much ad libbing. Don't mess with KASDAN!!!

From now on, film makers are working hard to make the stories and script better first and then the rest will follow, also the revolution of CGI effects also opened new doors for producers of the movies, and looking at the last 2 star wars movies, i am sure that the next installments will also break every record out there @hanshotfirst

very true. It is going to make a ton of money no matter what. I hope it tis entertaining!

There is no way Howard could have made Episode 1 worse. I think he would have avoided the whole "hey everybody, pretend you have no emotions at all" problem.

I think we should give Disney the benefit of the doubt here. I'm pretty sure Ron Howard will do a good job. Before I was kind of worried that J.J. Abrams wouldn't do a good job but the Force Awakens was a very good movie. I am certain the franchise is still in good hands.

They have given me no reason to doubt them to this point. Hopefully it is for the best.

@hanshotfirst - as a huge Star Wars fan (almost a nerd when I was younger), I was thrilled to know about the Han Solo movie. He is a swashbuckling true hero as you say. Only a few talented directors would have shoulders broad enough to handle a movie about Han Solo. I was comfortable when Lord and Miller were slated to direct it because, as you have correctly pointed out, they have done a marvelous job of creating an original movie even about well known franchises. I was OK with the humor aspect because Han Solo does fire out witty sarcastic remarks sometimes even in the original series.
I am disappointed that they will not be directing the movie now. Anyway - thanks for your blog which is about something close to my heart.

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A minnow (15 days old)


Welcome to the platform! We need as many Star Wars nerds as we can get!

Thank you. Will wait for your next Star Wars post :)

It's fair to say that Disney is crazy like a fox. They will continue to make all the right moves, especially when it comes to a franchise like Star Wars. If anyone thinks they will be messing up this cash cow, forget it.

Good point. They are in control of a money making machine. They just have to avoid screwing it up. I think they can do that.

Can't wait for the movie. Han is one of my favorite characters. (Chewie is first)

I like that. Chewy as number 1. I can respect that for sure!


Sad that Phil Lord and Chris Miller were fired.
But making a Star Wars movie about Hun Solo it's like second christmass!
I'll hope that it will be a success for Ron Howard, because i'm a fan of Star Wars too.

Yes! Second Christmas indeed. I am getting excited again.

I think the han solo movie might be good

Great article, thanks for it. i am new on steemit and i really like your blog

Thanks. Are you a Star Wars fan?

Wait wut....their making a Han Solo specific movie? Now that maybe interesting. As for Ron Howard, I'm actually optimistic about his involvement in the next Star Wars installment.

Yep. It is slated to be released in 2018. There is so much they can do with a young Han Solo.

Oh sure, sounds refreshing for sure!

I hope my kids will like it Should that not say I had better like it lol :)

At least if they like it, it won't be a waste. They have much lower standards than me. Maybe that is why they agree to be seen in public with me.

Haha bless you, your children will love it, its you who will follow the story more :)

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