STACH Short Story Contest #17: 199 words, 10SBD prize pool!

in #stach7 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #17.

What is a Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

•Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
•Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
•The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
•One entry per user.
•Story should be pasted in the comment section below, no links.
•Contestants are permitted to post their stories in an article on their blog, so they also get upvotes.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery as determined by the selected Judge. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.

Write a 199 words story based on MY TWISTED FANTASY.


THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.
First Prize: ----------------------5SBd
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.

Good luck guys!

Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!

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"Upcoming Female's football match between faculty of Art and the faculty of education" grining with excitement as it echoed into my ears.
Soccer has always been part of my extracurricular activities and the excitement that flows through my heart when competitions spring up was always immeasurable. Nnenna,my faculty female soccer coach gave me a "We must take that cup" look.
Our practice began Immediately, we had limited time to the d-day.
I imagined the cheering of the spectators, the anticipation was just too overwhelming.
The day finally came, all dressed in our Jersey, studs and socks, we waited for the Director of sports to arrive with the female student president of south-south for the kick-off but it seemed they were taking forever to arrive.
Hours later, he arrived and we all gave him that girlish frown so he can pacify us with apologies, but he slapped us harder with the news that the match has been cancelled till next semester due to some uncontrolled event. disappointment spree! all these preparations were for nothing? those wild imaginations I coined in my head were in vain. I screamed "what a twist of fantasy" everyone turned and stare..*

Touching story, nice bleed. Keep it up.

Wow, I super love this

She walked into the room, her skirt swishing with every step she took. Her shadow fell on me and her scent enveloped me. I breathed in, wishing I could take all of her into me; her soft skin, those pink bow shaped lips, those mounds that hung from her chest like papaya.

"young man are you not going to wake up today?" she asked.

I opened my eyes and stared at her. My vision of her did no justice. I stared at the burns on her face and her single eye and smiled;

"hey twinnie, come give your brother a hug." I replied.

She laughed, her voice tingling like tiny bells, like little birds welcoming the morning.
She joined me on the bed and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Her scarred face rubbed mine but I didn't mind. I could feel her soft breasts squeezed between us like small pillows.

"young man, are you not going to the funeral? " she said again.

I opened my eyes again and saw that it was my mother. It is true, she died because she had gone on a date. I woke up.

The richest ice cream

When I was a child in my country, I bought ice creams from street vendors who carried in their carts cups and lollipops. My favorite was one, called Chocolito, a mixture of milk chocolate.

I grew up beautiful and passionate and every time I fell in love, I thought my boyfriend's mouth was a Chocolito.

Until one day I met the man of my life, my husband, who taught me to appreciate the delights of a good lemon ice cream with milk.

He resembles a lemon ice cream with milk because he is tall, with white skin and green eyes and I am sure, unconsciously, that was the image that was fixed in my mind when I met him, lemon by his eyes and milk by the color of his skin.

Since then, not a day goes by that I did not think about disguising it with the packaging that covered those ice creams to pay tribute not only to his eternal love but also to the opportunity he gave me to concentrate on two different tastes.

And well wrapped, give a few nibbles little by little, until it dissolves in my lips.

Image 1
Image 2

The final game.
It was down to the final minute of the game. Adekunle had been in possession of the ball for the past fifteen seconds and he wasn't intending on passing the ball to any of his teammates, 'this was a solo run and probably his ticket to stardom,' he thought.
He was in the clear now, he ran as fast as he could, dribbling every defender on the way. The crowd was was thrown in awe, the coach rose to his feet as he could feel an equalising goal coming up and that would guaranteee his contract extension with the club.
This was it, he was finally one on one with the goalkeeper. Adekunle's mother covered her eyes but still tried to sneak a peek at the television as she was sitting in a discomforting manner in her sitting room.
'HE GOES FOR THE CHIP!' the commentator yelled. Everyone stood up as the ball spinned over the goalkeeper gloves and slowly curled in the direction of the goal post still in the moment......

Wow, that will be the best goal ever, Adekunle just get it done. Nice write up

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The complete issue will come up on my steemit wall.

Love the idea with the concept of suspense at the end of the short story. Nice work.

I want to see the end of the story. Did he score. Awwwwwooo!!!!


Esther loved working here; a beautiful salon where elites came to make their hair and nails but these girls made her hate her work. She looked at them bragging of how men couldn't resist their charm, and about their fathers wealth, so full of themselves!

"If wishes were horses, beggars would play polo" she thought. She had nursed a fantasy for months; her father was wealthy, she'd all she wanted; good clothes, nice houses and cars, trips to exotic locations around the world and most importantly; the money and power to give those fools a lesson. She wished their fathers would either die or get sacked from their jobs. They would be working for her: making her hair and nails.
She would scream at them anyhow she dimed fix;
"Hey you, bring my phone" or
"Can't you see the shampoo is too much?"
She saw them running around in her mind. She could make them lie down while she walked on them if she wanted.

She was jolted back to reality when her boss called out at her...

"Esther put off the hair dryer ".

Yes madam!
she said as a cruel smile found its way to her face.

Words Count: 199

Lol... Dark!

Lolz. Its just a fantasy

madam, I liked it. You're good.

Haaa. Uncle @vwovwe I am learning from you o. Thank you



I brushed my teeth for the fourth time, ran out
of the bathroom and grabbed my phone.
Slowly, I scrolled down to a name saved with
“BECKY Cali” and dialed the number with a
happy smile on my face.

Becky was a girl I met the last time I went to calabar. I met here with two of her friends, after talking to them (trying to be funny as much as I could), I got their numbers.

Tell you the truth, she’s not that good-looking. She doesn’t stand out in any way and nothing special. But I felt Becky was the 100% perfect girl for me because the moment I saw her, there was a rumbling in my chest, and my mouth was dry as a desert.

After months of endless chatting and calling, she was finally paying me a visit for the first time at uyo.

We had a wonderful night gisting, joking, playing and doing some other interesting things. she really was so good and sweet.

Becky left back to calabar and after some weeks I discovered she was my step sister..

Sinful Desires

I drove back home and had dinner with my family, then she sent me the message. I turned the steering wheel cursing my weakness, I parked in that dangerous street, in the middle of the darkness the light of the headlights were reflected in the thick white legs shown by women who wore miniskirt, there she was with her friend, they got in the car and we went to that place.

I gave myself to my lust, uncontrollable desires that lead me to make carnal acts. There amid moans and cries of pleasure I surrendered to my follies, with them I found myself in a single thing, in something with no name, something sinful and twisted. We finished exhausted, but satisfied. I took them to their den, and I, full of guilt went home, it was already too late. I opened the door and in the dining room a candle extinguished, only a dish half eaten, the other clean and ordered, I remembered it was our anniversary. I go up to the room where she sleeps, and then a strange feeling invades me and anguishes me.

I live in my reality and in that life of sinful fantasy.

My twisted fantasy!

I wake up very early in the morning; I have breakfast and, take my things to go to university. It was one of those days that I knew I could meet him, the prince of England who always waited for me in the corridors, with any excuse to start a conversation. And I'm not wrong, that day was like that.

I loved the idea that he liked my company, because in the same way, I enjoyed being with him. He invited me to go out, that night we went to a concert of modern music. Back home, stops his car and tell me: will you marry me? I do not want to let you go! I am able to sacrifice the crown for my happiness!

He wanted to choose the best time and the best place to introduce himself as his fiancée, although many of our relatives were aware of the relationship. The day of the official presentation as the prince's fiancée; I wake up from my twisted fantasy and return to my twisted reality, and of course, that morning, through the corridors of the university, the stupid boy who pretended to be my boyfriend was waiting for me.

Fantasy or reality?

Hunger and cold become constant; a day of life more and I do not know if it will be a gift or a curse, this body bears the scars of thousands of fights but of no real victory, In the outskirts, in the concrete jungle are the vultures and thousands of hungry wolves, There is also the medicine that is my perdition, in it I live a world of twisted fantasy and terror mixed with happiness, for it the people who loved me abandoned me.

I gave my dignity and change the heat of a home for the cold asphalt of a road, leave my health for filth, change my clothes for filthy rags and twisted curses!, return back to reality, but I don't like what I see, what I hear and what I feel, I wish and need to go back to that twisted fantasy.

The sun hides and gives way to the night, where the cold is my blanket and the sky my roof, dawns, and my mind it is asked again: why am I still alive? Will it be luck or will it be destiny?, or is it just the curse of a twisted fantasy?

Excelente participación ! esperemos esta vez vuelvas a estar dentro de los ganadores

Thank very much!

There I was, waiting for this girl that I had been chatting with every other night. It all began when i stumbled on her profile on single can mingle platform few months ago.
In my mind she is the one and 'like Oliver twist I couldn't stop asking for more. Every moment I talked with her I usually would have some butterflies in my stomach. Her voice almost would make my heart beat freeze. Could this be love?
Its 4:30 pm and I am still patiently waiting at the airport for her arrival. The next day was Valentine day and we thought it a perfect time to meet finally and spend quality time together and with family as well.
There she was finally and we exchanged greetings with a warm hug and a peg that I have not since recovered from.
We arrived home that evening by 7pm and
when she was in full view all attention seemed to be focused on me and i wondered what everyone was up to.
The cat was let out of the bag and only then I realised I had been crushing on my uncles second daughter. Hmm! My fantasy got twisted.

Heh, nice take on the theme

Thank you so much


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