in #stach6 years ago (edited)

It is no longer new that the child's first social environment is the home. This is where their first picture as regards life is being captured. This is where their first tongue-usage is being structured. This is where their mode of dressing is been nurtured. The home is where their eating pattern is being built. The Home is where a Child's Intelligence Quotient (I.Q) on relating/dialoging with people is being cultured. These are the more reasons why parents/guardians should the excessively careful while training up their children in order to secure a beautiful future for them.

Undoubtedly, between the age of 2 - 5 is the best time to teach the child at least 50% of life's rudiments. Believe me you, children are good at grasping things and adapting to such things. This is when a child learns how to say "thank you". Within this stage, a child learns how to greet his/her elders. Here also, a child learns how to speak his local/native language. Yes oOOO! Those of us adults who cannot speak their tribes, could testify that, it is very difficult or almost impossible to learn your native language at old age. Lol.

My Holy Book would say "spare the rod to spoil the child, but spoil the rod to spare the child", "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it". Once a child is spanked immediately for a wrong-doing, he/she becomes aware that his/her act was wrong. These are the popular words of some parents, "leave him alone, he is still a kid; he doesn't know anything". Oh, what a pity, you are simply leading that child to his doom land. Some parents would even go the extra mile of coming to fight with the Teachers of their children. Why? Just because, their children were flogged or disciplined. Hmmmm! Doom-land number two. You would see your child fighting with another child; instead of going there to separate and advise them, you would go there, hold the other child captive and start asking your child to revenge "beat him up" "slap him back" "always fight back". Mtchewwww! Trust me, you are training up a violent generation such as Boko Haram, Isis, etc. And this violent generation would come back to hurt you. Trust me.

How do you nurture the appetite of your child? Do you always buy for them whatever they ask for? Do you allow your child to eat whatever he sees? Did you stop your child while he/she was begging and crying for someone else's food or sweet? Well, if you don't, then, there is the likelihood of that child becoming a glutton, a begger, a criminal, a greedy person, or a witch/wizard via initiation.

Some parents even go ahead to give their children alcohol to drink. Some parents smoke cigarette, indian hemp, take hard drugs other hazardous substances in front of their children. Just tell me why the child won't grow up to becoming a drunkard, or a drug addict? Tomorrow you would start casting and binding, accusing your grand mother as the witch troubling your family. Who is the witch now? I believe you can answer that.

There are so many ways via which children learn quickly. One of which is "watching television". So, if you allow them to watch violent, corrupt (e.g. pornography) movies, they would become violent and corrupt in a very tender age. Today, you see children of 8, 9,10 years fornicating, getting pregnant, and getting involved in all forms of sexual immoralities. Last week, in my street, some children of about 11 - 12 years old were caught having sex in a church's toilet. Amazing! This is why parental control or child-mode is always advised. Let them watch Religious channels (e.g. Christian programs), cartoons, and some educative programs. Thank God now, there are some programs that teach your children how to read and write. I even have one on my phone now. If you want it, alert me, i would hastily send it to you.

Factually speaking, you would be addressed by the way you dress. The world's dressing pattern is so filled with indecency that you could barely watch a music video that does not portray half nude girls. What about movies, adverts, magazines, school uniforms, in fact, indecent dressing is becoming so rampant that you could find them in religious blocks. OMG! Please, there are so many drunkards and drug addicts out there who don't know the difference between a child and a matured girl. They can rape any girl as long as the dressing is sex-appealing. Yeah that's right! And you ofcourse should know the dangers involved in rape. More mysterious, these days, children grow faster and bigger than their age which makes the rape gang more confused. Once, as a parent, you start wearing a child short and tight gowns, definitely, she would get addicted to them. Please, dear parents, save the future of our children by dressing them decently.

Always let them know that cleanliness is next to Godliness and dirtiness is next to Devilishness. Teach and Help them brush their teeth/tongue very well, teach and help them to bathe very well, teach and help them to wash and iron their clothes very well. This part of life is excessively important. Let me just stop here for today!

Thanks for reading through! And i believe this write up would cause a positive change in our Society.
God bless steemians and steemit community .


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Train up your child in the way he/she should go, when he/she grows up, he/she will not depart from it.

Nice one Sam

On point dear.thanks

You're very very correct!

Nice post
I have learnt something about parenting

Appetite... I smiled when I saw that. I still can't take any oat till now because my mum didn't like it and didn't give it to me while I was little. Now I can't even stand the sight.

This is a nice one sir

Thanks for dropping it hot

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