YES! Day10 of baby rabbits surviving against predators (Animal Care)

in #stach6 years ago (edited)
Hello everyone, today is for rabbit talk. I actually observed that many people out there even some of my colleagues don't really know what it takes to rear rabbit. Today's discussion will show many how I do things when it comes to animal care. I am talking about baby rabbits which can be called Kitts sometimes. My rabbit in our farmgave birth 10days ago and here is the 10day photograph of the kitten(baby rabbit) I went there few minutes ago and I'm so happy with what I saw, the developing rate at which those baby rabbit grow although feeding the mother rabbit really matters. I feed my own rabbit twice a day. Morning -evening so as to make sure the mother rabbit feed well and breastfeed her babies.

I have three baby rabbits (10days old today 14/6/2018.


I actually observed somethings which I want everyone to hear , sometimes two years ago I reared some set of rabbit( New Zealand white , Havana black, chinchilla) all Does. When I bred them and they gave birth, the young ones open thier eyes on the 14th day by evening or late evening when I will check on them and see that the baby rabbit are just opening their eyes. But when I saee this I later disposed them and got new breeds . To be honest these rabbit breeds are making real sense.

( I have the ash black, the white and the white)

What do I feed my rabbit during after pregnancy ?

I feed my rabbits twice a day but for the pregnant ones I feed them three times but not constant at all. I feed them with GROWER MESH MIX WITH A VERY KNOW PROPORTION OF WHEAT OVAL. (I will show this in a video soon) with this in the morning and immediately it clock 12:pm. I go out and fetch green leaves for my rabbit in the Bush. And later in evening i feed them again with Grower with what oval.

(This is one of the baby rabbit almost with the eyes opened.)

( you can see me standing close to the mother rabbit inside the cage. I made the rabbit cage myself then when I was less busy, mind you I have already weaned one of my rabbit to another cage yesterday. I will show you soon. )

(I moved closer to the mother rabbit to take a snapshot , do you know the funniest thing ever the mother rabbit is 9 days pregnant.) Hahahaha 😊😊😊

This pictures on my profile is real and original. I took it with my own smartphone 📷camera. I don't like been a copy man. I do things my own way. I am a farmer. I am a animal productionist and I'm so happyni found this and that is why am sharing my knowledge and observations.

Here are my picture proof.



Welcome to my blog!




Wow...great one bro. Wish i could just come around and see things for my self.

Hahahahaha. Yeah. You can come. You are most welcome. Where are you at? State.

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