in #stach6 years ago

2018-05-03 09.53.50.jpg
I have been a medical student for 5 years now and though i have learnt a lot , not as much as i have learnt from my present posting in the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health.Being under the tutelage of Prof. Kalu Nkangineme I have learnt a lot. A man of high intellectual power and sound moral value of lives and others.

Today's lecture was about Medical ethics and in the course of the lecture, he asked?

Who will you say is the wealthiest person in this class ?

The normal and average Nigerian mental directions came into play as we got responses like

He who has the most gadgets
He who has the most money in his account
He who always looks and dresses best
He who has the most potential and dreams

And the list was getting longer.

Prof. Kalu then interupted saying

The wealthiest person is always the person with the least needs

This got me thinking of the meaning and i decided to look it up.
Well then :

Need describes something of high necessity and importance that's necessary to achieve a certain aim

Well this says a lot about the true realities of life and what true wealth is. The above statement means that one can have "so much money" and yet may not be considered wealthy if his needs and wants outweighs him/her.

This also means the poorest person can also be considered to be wealthy.


So what's do I think defines true wealth

-One who has fully understood and defined his personality
-One who is contented with what he has and is free handed enough for others to benefit
-One who is a good planner and is effective in managing his resources
-One who has set goal of a tomorrow with set realistic ways of achieving them
-One who understands the place of others in his/her life and values his environment

Same principle can be applied to National and State and Communal desire for true wealth so let's learn to imbibe good value systems


True wealth isn't all about the money...
But a lot more than it...


Wow amazing. To me, the real wealth comes from happiness. When one is happy, one is wealthy. No money can buy joy.

Thanks for sharing that experience. Lucky you having such wealthy minded person as a teacher.

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Thanks for sharing this experience.

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