in #stach7 years ago

Hi guys, so I’m back again, this time we’re looking at the zodiac sign Aries, please read and tell me if you agree with what you see. Oh and if you’re an Aries let me know if I’m right or wrong.


Aries are the go-getters of the zodiac, natural born leaders and born activists. They have charisma and a magnetic personality which makes others flock to their side and follow them without question. They are caring and generous people who will always be there for their friends. I should know, I have quite a few of them and they’re always there for me when I need them. They are a fire sign and as such will always bring excitement to their lives and the lives of others.

Aries are risk takers and will always be ready to jump head first into a business venture if they feel it will yield profit. As long as they feel what they are doing is worth it, they’ll do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. They are dream chasers and will almost always achieve those goals. They are notorious for not finishing projects which they start because they tend to lose interest if success takes too long. This manifests itself as their greatest flaw which they must overcome in order to truly be successful in life.

As natural born leaders, they will naturally take the initiative when it comes to matters of the heart. Like the ram which is their spirit animal, they tend to rush into things head first and with love it’s no different. They will confess their love for the person they want to be with without a second thought, not considering whether the person might feel the same way or not. They are definitely passionate lovers, but they tend to focus more on the romance of a relationship and less on the person that they are in a relationship with. They need to focus more attention on showing love and tenderness to their significant others and less attention on romantic gestures.

ARIES WOMAN - the woman for every occasion
The Aries woman is an exciting one. She’s energetic, extremely charismatic and has a strong love for adventure. She will love being around her lover but she is an independent woman so she won’t be clingy or needy. She will enjoy the beginning of a relationship most, because that’s when the spark would still be there and she’d still be trying to completely make you hers. This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t fancy long term relationships though, she actually loves them because she enjoys sharing everything with her partner. She is a jealous lover who will want to get all her lovers attention anytime she wants it. She’s quite possessive and will always make sure that she’s number one.
Despite all this, she is a passionate and devoted lover who will encourage and support her lover, but the only way to keep her around is to reciprocate all the love and support that she gives you.

THE ARIES MAN - the man who loves a challenge
The Aries man is one who loves a challenge. He will often fall for women who he can’t have because he enjoys the thrill of a chase far more than the actual relationship itself. He’s an adventurous man and will bring excitement into anything that he gets into. He usually gets bored with relationships after a while and is better suited for explosive short term relationships. He is a domineering male and will take the lead in everything he does including relationships, he’s not for the woman who likes giving orders to her lover. To get an Aries man, you’ll need to play hard to get a bit so that he’ll see you as a challenge and as something that he has to conquer. He’s for the woman who craves excitement and adventure without any strings attached.

Aries enjoy their overall best compatibility with the following zodiac signs:

Thanks for reading people, hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, upvote and resteem, maybe there’s a girl out there who’s dating an Aries who needs to know that her relationship might be short lived😉. Check my page out tomorrow for the next installment, we'll be taking a look at Taurus next.

Picture source -

As usual, this is coming from @stach’s very own @francistagbo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


My husband is an Aries. I believe this is not the full picture. It all depends on the rising sign and the full chart. Everyone is different. He has some of these traits, but it's not even close to being exact.

@blondenfun1 Ah well you're right, but this post is basically trying to give a general overview of things based on my experiences with Aries folk and what I've read about them.

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