
Yeah... that's a lot! Next spring, I am going to plant tomatoes in pots! Do you have a vegetable garden, my friend, @melinda010100?

When my kids were little we farmed and I did have a big garden and grew most all of our food. My husband died two years ago and because I live alone I don't need to grow and preserve big volumes of food anymore. I grow flowers and herbs in pots out on my deck, but health issues keep me from doing more. I love growing things!

Oh wow!!! I know who to ask then when I start growing vegetables in pots... next Spring! I am actually excited to start right away, but I am afraid whatever I plant won't survive the Winter (although I live in Northern California).
I am sorry about your husband. I live alone too!!! Another thing in common, my friend! I do have three Yorkies living with me.

I don't know your exact climate but you may be able to plant spinach and things like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy now. They all like cool weather. I bet a local garden center could give you all kinds of tips! I always have parsley, rosemary and thyme and some cilantro growing, although I have to bring mine indoors in October! Wisconsin winters are cold!

I don't have any pets right now, our German Shepherd died a couple of years before Jim did and I just haven't been brave enough to go through all of that again.

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