in #ssg-membership5 years ago (edited)

Wouldn't that be like Flipping a Switch...???

Who would have thought, that we'd be going back to "Sound Money"...???

If you're "One of the Few" still Reading my Blogs, you already know, all about my P.C. Theory...

At least, I hope you do...

I've been Fine Tuning my Pocket Change Theory for quite a while now...

Some of your Questions, lead me to come up with very important Answers...

There were Some, who Laughed at my P.C. Theory...

And I can't say I blame them for laughing...

I'm sure they figured, no one in their Right Mind, would want CENTS instead of DOLLARS...

It was hard for them to Comprehend, that there would be no loss in "Spending Power"...

Well, we will still have our One Dollar Coins...

They aren't going away, any time soon...

Here's an Example of one of the U.S. One Dollar Coins, that will be fully backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage...

I'm talking Face Value for Face Value...

Fifty of these One Dollar U.S. Coins, will be "equal" with a Fifty Dollar, One Ounce, U.S. Gold Bullion Coin...

Trust me...

We're going back to "Sound Money" backed by United States (Precious Metal) Bullion Coinage...

I'm not saying it will be "easy" to save up Fifty Dollars...

After all, Fifty Dollars in "Sound Money" will be the same as $5,000 in today's Debt Based, Fiat Dollars...

You're Currently being Paid with Instruments of Debt...

I know, it Looks and Feels like Money, when it comes time to Pay your Bills, but we're paying a Big Price for their use...

Why do you think we're Paying Income Tax...???

We Pay Income Tax so that we can "USE" their Debt Note Fiat Dollars...

We don't own their Dollars...

They are on Loan, with Interest attached...

Do we really need to use the Central Bank Owners Money, when we're a Sovereign People, who can easily use our own Debt Free Money...???

We the People, are the Legal Owners of our U.S. Coinage...

We are the People...

We are the Proud Owners of our own Debt Free, "Sound Money"...


Expect to see a One Hundred Fold increase in the "Spending Power" of all U.S. Coinage...

If you were earning $25 per hour before the Reset, expect to earn 25 Cents per hour, after the Reset...

Your Assets and Debt will not go away, they will all be Reset to "Sound Money"...

What you "have" and what you "owe" will not go away...

I think it would be a "Wise Move" to start preparing for what's to come...

"Sound Money" backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage, Face Value for Face Value...

Please leave a comment, or an up-vote, so I'll know you stopped by...

August 18, 2019... 15.6 Hollywood Time...


Sound money wonder if that also have to do with gold / silver coins having a better ring than the clad stuff.

Gold, Silver or Clad...

It won't matter if all our Coinage is backed by Precious Metal Bullion Coinage or is Precious Metal Coinage...

Most people won't be carrying Gold or Silver, Coinage, because of their Very High Values...

Typical walking around Money will probably be Paper Coinage or a little Pocket Change...

Then it seems like a lot of people like using Debit and Credit Cards...

August 19, 2019... 8.2 Hollywood Time...

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