"Sound Money" will buy you $35.00 Gold and $3.50 Silver...

The thing that stands out, about "Sound Money" is that it works the same way in Reverse...

Any time you wish, you can Exchange that Gold, for the same amount of "Sound Money"...

August 23, 2019... 11.7 Hollywood Time...


GSR of 10. We are now at high 80s so that is a huge drop in gold price or huge rise in silver price. Which one is more likely?

If measured in Federal Reserve Note Dollars, Gold is going to $3,500 and Silver is going to $350... In my Opinion, Silver will do much better than Gold... We need to get to a Silver/Gold Ratio of 10 to 1, once U.S. "Sound Money" is activated...

August 23, 2019... 12.0 Hollywood Time...

The Battle will be, between "Sound Money" and Fiat Money...
Gold is being bought at today's very Low Prices at Present...

People are turning in "Fiat Money" to prepare for "Sound Money"...
Which side are you on... "Sound Money" or "Fiat Money"...???
November 27, 2019... 7.7 Hollywood Time...

Profound History of Sound Money

Americans no longer carry gold and silver money in our pockets and purses as our grandparents did. But we still carry the history, legacy, and spirit of those gold and silver coins in our language.

“Sound money” embodies a clear message recognized for centuries around the world. It describes the musical, metallic ring of a gold, silver, or copper coin dropped on any hard surface of glass, stone, wood, or metal.

Sound money literally refers to real wealth, with a natural, unmistakable signature of authenticity, as opposed to the paper, plastic, and electronic debt instruments used almost exclusively today.

The term “sound money” has its roots in Ancient Rome, where small, silver coins were standard in everyday commerce, whether used for paying Roman soldiers or buying exotic goods from all corners of the known world.

As Rome squandered its wealth, it found a shortcut to shore up the treasury. It gradually debased those silver coins with common metals, ultimately cutting the silver content to just 5 percent.

That didn't fool anyone for long. Understandably, disciplined Roman soldiers did not appreciate being paid with worthless mystery metal in return for risking their lives on Rome's bloody battlefields.

Sound Money

We’ll never go back to Using only Gold or Silver Pocket Change...

We'd need a Magnifying Glass just to see some of them...lol...

If you can save up Five Dollars in U.S. Coinage, you can buy a Five Dollar, U.S. Gold or Silver Eagle, Bullion Coin...

If you need "Spending Coinage" down the Road, you can always Cash in you Five Dollar U.S. Gold or Silver Bullion Coin for an equal amount of U.S. Coinage, in whichever form you choose...

Note: Saving up $5 .00 in U.S. Coinage "after" the Reset, will be like Saving up 500 in Today's Dollars...

Wouldn't it be nice to be "Sitting On" a Box of those One Dollar U.S. Coins, "before" the Reset...???

August 23, 2019... 16.7 Hollywood Time...

Oh wow!!!! Dang... I have lots of US clad coins, hehehe! I bet you have a trunk full of coins by now!

I actually do have a Giant Treasure Chest with a Rounded Top from the Old Days...

August 23, 2019... 19.4. Hollywood Time...

Coin Marketplace

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