in #ssg-membership5 years ago (edited)

No one seems to notice, that "We the People" are fighting a Major Battle, right now...

Most of the People, think the Fight is between Donald Trump and the Democrats...

The "Real Fight" is between "Sound Money" and "Fiat Money"...

It's a Fight to Retain the Right to "Have and to Hold" our own "Sound Money"...

We don't need to Borrow Money from Outside Sources...

We have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value thereof...

U.S. Gold and Silver Bullion Coinage will be used, along with our other Forms of Coinage...

We have the Right to Coin Money in any Form we choose, including "Paper Coinage"...

I also see the need for Smart Money Coinage, Crypto Coinage, Digital Coinage and Decimal Coinage...



Which side of the Fight are you on...???

Up-Dated on Thanksgiving Day...
November 28, 2019... 4.9 Hollywood Time...


I believe, the United States Monetary System is about to Reset back to "Sound Money"...

We the People "Retain" all "Rights" to our United States "Sound Money" in whatever Form We issue it...

I figure, the Central Bank Owners are about to be given the BOOT, all over the World...

I have to assume, "We the People" won't be "using" the "Central Bank Owners" Fiat Money much longer...

I'm no longer worried about losing any of my Asset Values...

I'm Confident, there's going be a Very Smooth Transition away from "Fiat Money" and into "Sound Money"...

If you're Deep in Debt at the Time of the Reset, you'll still be Deep in Debt, after the Reset...

If a Person knew what to do in Advance of the Reset, they could Prepare and be Ready to "Pay Off" their Debt...

I figure, One Percent of their Total Debt, could easily be set aside in what's to become, "Sound Money"...

Let's say I owe $300,000 on my Home Mortgage Loan...

Once "Sound Money" Is "Activated," I figure, I'll only need a "Face Value" of $3,000 in Physical U.S. Bullion Coinage to pay off my Home...

A "One Ounce" $50 U.S. Gold Bullion Coin will have the same "Spending Power" as 5,000 Federal Reserve (Debt) Note Dollars...

That's a One Hundred Fold "Spending Power" increase in the "Face Value" of our U.S. $50 U.S. Bullion Coin...

The Good News, is that it won't make any difference if our "Sound Money" is Gold, Silver, Paper, Clad or "Smart Money"...

$50 in U.S. Clad or Paper Coinage will have the same "Spending Power" as 5,000 Federal Reserve (Debt) Note Dollars...

Paper Coinage will be Denominated in CENTS, from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

What matters most, will be the "Face Value" of the "Sound Money" you're holding...

I'm expecting to see a "One Hundred Fold" increase in the "Spending Power" of our U.S. "Sound Money"...


It's not going to matter if our "Sound Money" is Gold, Silver, Paper, Clad or Smart Money...

Face Value will be the most important aspect of "Sound Money"...

You're going to "Love" being Debt Free...

Being Debt Free is a Wonderful Feeling, that I want "all of you" to Experience...

You'll be able to Sleep, knowing we're back to "Sound Money" again...

The United States (of a Sovereign People) will soon become Debt Free...

I've heard all the "Doom and Gloom" Stories about how impossible it is to pay off the National Debt...

I say it "is" possible to Pay off the National Debt, (including the interest) with our own "Sound Money"...

I have to assume, the U.S. Treasury has been setting aside enough (soon to be activated) "Sound Money" to do the Job...

We already have our "Sound Money" spread out, all over the United States...

No one sees it as "Sound Money" yet...

Our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA "Sound Money" is "Standing By" and "Ready" to be "Activated"...

Many Americans have a Piggy Bank or a Cup of U.S. Coinage, just sitting around somewhere...

There will be no "Second Chance" to Prepare, after the Reset...

Let's hope, no one Cashes in their U.S. Coinage, just before the U.S. Monetary System Resets to "Sound Money"...

All Federal Reserve Notes, are going to be "Removed and Replaced" with our "Sound Money"...

Federal Reserve Notes, will Maintain their "Spending Power," until the End of the Redemption Period...

At the End of the Redemption Period, Federal Reserve Notes will become Void of any Legal Tender Status...

The United States of America, will back their "Sound Money," with U.S. Bullion Coinage, Face Value for Face Value...

Our Modern, U.S. Bullion Coinage will "Range" from Five Dollars, up to One Hundred Dollars in Collectible Coinage...

If a Person wants to hold large amounts of Physical Wealth, U.S. Bullion Coinage is the place to hold it...

The Face Value of our Physical or Smart Money Coinage will get you an equal Face Value amount of our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

U.S. Bullion Coinage will be used as a "means" for a Great Deal of Wealth to be held in a Small amount of Space...

It will "Rarely" be used as Circulating Pocket Change...

Five Dollars in "Sound Money" will have the same "Spending Power" as 500 of Today's Fiat Dollars...

A Five Dollar (1/10 oz) U.S. Gold Eagle Bullion Coin will "Remove and Replace" 500 Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

The (yet to be issued) Five Dollar (One Ounce) Silver Eagle Bullion Coins will also "Remove and Replace" 500 Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

A Five Dollar, One Ounce U.S. Silver Eagle will be equal with a Five Dollar 1/10th Ounce U.S. Gold Eagle...

Start thinking in Terms of a "Ten to One" Silver/Gold Ratio, in our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

September 3, 2019... 9.7 Hollywood Time...


This will be for Anyone who wants to carry "Smart Money" in their "Smart Phone" Accounts...

September 14, 2019... 15.9 Hollywood Time...

This Post was last up-dated on November 21, 2019... 3.9 Hollywood Time...


Yes, rich people use debt to buy assets. The longer the term the better because they know that debt will be worthless in the future snd they now own assets.

A person will still have the ability to borrow "Sound Money" after the U.S Reset...
Naturally, our "Sound Money" will be Stable, when compared to the Debt Notes...
Sound Money will be Stable, but the Fair Market Prices of Items will still Fluctuate...
October 1, 2019... 14.8 Hollywood Time...

We have no idea what will happen after a reset. The only thing we can be certain of is that the fed will continue to create money/ debt which debases the currency and pushes up the price of assets.

The Fed is no longer in Control... We the People are running the Show...

We're going to Remove Fiat Dollars and Replace them with "Sound Money"...
Octover 1, 2019... 18.9 Hollywood Time...

The central banks are gaining power around the world. Only way they loose it if we all revolt or if there’s a crash of currencies. It will happen one day but there isn’t some magic plan

Silver and Gold will do very well, but not as good as Common U.S. Clad Coinage... The coming U.S. Monetary Reset is about to return to "Sound Money"... It's a Game Changer...
November 21, 2019... 11.4 Hollywood Time...

Physical coinage? How about gold and silver bullion coins? Would not that be better than ordinary loose change?

Our Coinage (in any Form) will be backed by our U.S. Bullion Coinage... A person may obtain U.S. Bullion Coinage, for an "Equal Face Value Amount" of U.S. Clad Coinage, Paper Coinage, Crypto Coinage, Dibital Coinage, or Smart Money Coinage...

What's important to learn from all this, is that after the Reset, Physical Coinage in any Form, will be much harder to get your hands on... The Face Value of our U.S. Coinage will get you an equal Face Value amount of U.S. Gold or Silver Bullion Coinage... In other words... $50.00 in U.S. Coinage will get you a One Ounce $50.00 U.S. Gold Bullion Coin...

If you're earning $50 per hour "before" the U.S. Monetary Reset, expect to be earning 50 Cents per hour "after" the U.S. Monetary Reset...

The reason we can't use Gold and Silver Coinage for Circulating Money, (the way most people think of a Gold or Silver Standard) is because we'd need a Magnifying Glass to see our Tiny Gold or Silver Coins... The U.S. Monetary System needs Clad Coinage along with the other new forms of U.S. Coinage...

Start thinking of the Silver/Gold Ratio to become 10 to 1, in the Very Near Future... Ten $5.00 Silver Eagles will get you One $50 Gold Eagle... Ten to One...

There will be a couple adjustments in our U.S. Bullion Coinage... The One Dollar Silver Eagle will be discontinued and a new Five Dollar Silver Eagle (with the same weight) will be introduced... And the $10 Dollar Gold Eagle will need a weight change from 1/4 ounce to 1/5 ounce... Thanks for Commenting... All Federal Reserve Notes, will be "Removed and Replaced" with our "Sound Money"...

September 22, 2019... 5.5 Hollywood Time...

Sweden a couple of days ago announced that in 2023 no cash will be used. Actually already nowadays it is hardly used over there. All advanced countries on earth go in that direction. Our old coins probably will be appreciated as granddads gramophone records today.

Same in most nations by 2040-2050

It’s a fact , governments are moving toward more control and less freedom
Especially here in USA.
I like pocket change personally but this theory admittedly is just a theory they came up with. There’s no facts or even evidence to back this theory up

You are right, its barley used here anymore and some places just don't take cash or Exchange.
Scary with The Control that is all over the world, noone is allowed to be independent.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is the reason, I like having both Physical and Digital forms of Money...

People need to have the Right to remain Silent, when buying certain items...
October 2, 2019... 1.5 Hollywood Time...

I'd consider it a Sad Day, to be Under the Total Control of the "Central Bank Owners"...

Our Future, will have a U.S. Crypto Coinage Option, in addition to our Bullion Coinage...

September 4, 2019... 12. 9 Hollywood Time...

Sure, in Sweden the will issue firstly an E-Krone as a kind of grand-scale public trial and then it will be replaced by the only state-owned digital currency. No more change necessary.

I see a lot of People in the States using Debit Cards, instead of Cash...

I'm fine with that, just so long as I am still able to use Physical Coinage...

We have the Right to Remain Silent, when we Spend our "Sound Money"...

September 7, 2019... 12.9 Hollywood Time...

Been watching the Business news like a hawk. So my little hoard of US coins totaling $102.46 would have the potential spending power of $10,246. We'll see if our wimpy Canadian Prime Minister will follow suit.

Not only, will our Pennies stay in Circulation, but we will even have Decimal Cents...

"Sound Money" will have 100 Times, more "Spending Power" then "Debt Money"...

Canada seems to be on the Wrong Path, but all their eyes are about to be Opened...

September 3, 2019... 14.5 Hollywood Time...

No we won’t have coins that are fractions of a penny. We will not have a penny is more likely as inflation kills spending power year after year. Nothing has changed here in the USA. The government is just as corrupt as ever and the last thing the government will do is change to hard money. It’s going the opposite way u claim bud..... not trying to sound like a jerk but you just keep repeating ur theory but u don’t further it or back it up with any evidence...

Again only love bud

It’s just frustrating finding out how serious u are about this but u just keep repeating it with no evidence. I wanna believe worthless zinc nickels will make me rich as much as the next guy, but
Give us some evidence not just make believe made up stories m.

Were following Argentina and Venezuela no doubt. My Canadian Government even sold off our Gold reserves years ago. So Stupid, stupid, stupid!

It makes me Wonder who your Government is working for...

September 3, 2019... 8.8 Hollywood Time...

I bet it rhymes with Rothschild and his Club.

Do you think they know, we're watching them...???

September 4, 2019... 17.8 Hollywood Time...

As soon as I put out a video of 'Torches and Pitchforks" up on Dtube if I can find enough of them.

To those reading this Comment...

Let's say a Person has $3,000 in Cash... Let's say that Person decides to Buy "TWO" Ounces of .9999 Fine Gold, at "Melt Value" Prices...

Now, let's say that I have the same $3,000 but instead of buying the "TWO" Ounces of Gold, I decided to by $3,000 in U.S. Coinage... That amounts to Three Boxes of One Dollar U. S. Coins... There are 1,000 Coins in each Box...

If my Pocket Change (Sound Money) Theory is Correct, and I'm pretty sure it is, that $3,000 in U.S. Coinage will become "Sound Money" backed by Gold and Silver U.S. Bullion Coins, "Face Value" for "Face Value"...

This means that "after" the U.S. Monetary Reset, I'd be able to take my $3,000 in U.S. Coinage to a Dealer, who buys and sells Gold... After we do the Calculations, I'm pretty sure the Dealer will hand me over, "Eighty-Five" Ounces of .9999 Fine Gold...

Or I'd be able to take my $3,000 in U.S. Coins to a Bank and they will hand me over "Sixty" of those "$50 U.S. Gold Bullion Coins that weigh One Ounce Each...

So, tell me what you think would be the Wise thing to do if a person knew in advance, that my Monetary System Reset Theory to "Sound Money" was actually about to happen...???

November11, 2019... 11.2 Hollywood Time...

Hello there! Work is crazy right now; however- the 3000 in US Coinage is way to go!

Business is booming in my ICU right now- not enough staff!

My Doctor read the results of my “Nine Tubes” of Blood Work and said I was getting better with age... Like a Fine Wine...
November 11, 2019... 15.9 Hollywood Time...

A vintage wine! I like that! Blessings to you and take care!

I am watching, that is all, I need to see some action. And I am all for it, I can not do it all on my own.

Exactly, what is it you think you can't do on your own... When the Switch is Flipped to "Sound Money," there will be no "Second Chance" to get in at "Rock Bottom Prices"... At Present, you can buy a Ten Dollar Roll of Quarters for $10.00 in Fiat Debt Notes... After the Reset, that same Roll of Quarters will cost you $1,000 in Fiat Debt Notes... U.S. Coinage is about to become "Sound Money"...
November 1, 2019... 18.3 Hollywood Time...

"Exactly, what is it you think you can't do on your own" Change the mindset of people that vote to be taxed, by liars and frauds!.

New Taxes and Laws, always start out small... Then, they tend to grow and grow and grow...
November 2, 2019. 16.1 Hollywood Time...


If you needed "Spending Power" and had to Cash in one of your One Ounce $50 U.S. Gold Eagle Bullion Coins, during the Redemption Period, would you prefer 5,000 Fiat "Debt Note" Dollars, or would you prefer $50.00 in "Sound Money" in whatever form you desire...???

October 17, 2019... 13.2 Hollywood Time...

Hopefully we all get to enjoy some negative rate loan or helicopter money drop first ;p

Just remember to hold onto one percent of any Loan Amount in Physical U.S. Coinage...

That will be the Master Key, to the Greatest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...

September 3, 2019... 14.6 Hollywood Time...

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