in #srcoin7 years ago

SRCOIN is a token of ERC20 , which incorporate BlockChain technology, The vision is to build a new network of funds through the BlockChain and allow everyone in the world to contribute with any amount, whether small or large, with a goal to create a comprehensible system for managing your health. SRCOIN will be used to develop the health platform, generate revenue through the subscription business, and redistribute profits made to the ICO contributors by distributing coins that will be of greater value in the future to come. They are targeting the US$2.2billion Singapore and Malaysian market for massage chairs with a subscription business model, which will act as a foundation to generating stable and long-term cash flow and increasing intrinsic value of SRCOINs. The issuer of SRCOIN, K Rental, is a Korean-Malaysian corporation that currently has the third largest market share in the subscription business; K Rental has 78 stores across the country with over 5,000 employees and is planning on IPO in the Singapore Stock Exchange in 2020. They have a current market price of US$6.8 billion In the next 6 years, the expected return on SRCOIN project will be 800%, due to their buyback and burn policy carried out via smart contracts using BlockChain technology, this will lead to decrease in the amount of SRCOINs in circulation by -81% in the next 6years. Therefore, increased profitability of their subscription and enhance SRCOINs intrinsic value by 147 times more than its original value, allowing ICO contributors to immediately find real value in SRCOINs and see a robust path to profitability. With their health platform app, customers will be able to closely monitor their own health and immediately send required information to medical institutions if needed. This will lead to a decreased medical expenses and an increased efficiency in maintaining ones’ health, Also, medical institutions, such as drugstores, will be able to improve their business and accessibility through the use of the health database. From the completion of ICO, SRCOINs will be usable in the real world as well. Similar to how Bitcoin’s worth was verified and people were able to purchase pizza with it, you will also be able to witness SRCOIN’s usage in the real world firsthand. SRCOIN holders will be able to purchase water purifiers, massage chairs, and other appliances from K Rental using SRCOINs. The current 140,000 customers (and those in the future) will have the option of paying their subscription fees with SRCOINs. If successfully executed, SRCOINs will have a high possibility of becoming a medium of exchange/payment for industries related to K Rental, the trade volume and value of SRCOINS will greatly benefit and increase. Message chair which is the health platform can collect personal health data of all household members, collect blood pressure level and has devices to measure heart rate, blood oxygen level, sleep analysis, and various other types of health data Customers will be able to easily access their health information collected by message chair using mobile app or sending an email request the information. The gross margin of current companies that sell massage chairs averages 58%, but their subscription business’s gross margin will be 70%. SRCOIN’s ICO contributors, regardless of whether they choose to sell or keep the SRCOINs, will continue to receive Ethereum at the aforementioned amount for 3 years. There is high possibility that Ethereum’s price will rise, so there could be at least 2 possible benefits from investing in SRCOIN. Ethereum will be sent via BlockChain to each ICO contributor’s coin wallet. The funds gathered through SRCOIN ‘s ICO will be used to purchase necessary products for carrying out the subscription business and to create and maintain the database for personal health data . Also, the maintenance as well as the security of the database will be kept and monitored through Block Chain technology. In the case that there are future regulations against cryptocurrency, SRCOIN offers an exit option through swapping SRCOINs with K Rental’s preferred stock. Currently, the price of K Rental’s stocks is US $25 Until June 2018, the exchange rate will be 15,000 SRCOINs to 1 K Rental stock, and after June 2018, the exchange rate will be updated and announced on the website, Upon exchanging your SRCOINs to K Rental stock, you will instantly earn a 67% profit on your investment. Also, this exchange from SRCOINs to K Rental stock will reduce the outstanding supply of SRCOINs, which will cause the price of SRCOINs to rise. In the event of heavy regulations on cryptocurrency or a bubble in the cryptocurrency market, holders of other cryptocurrencies may experience difficulty finding alternatives or liquidating their assets, but SRCOIN holders can swap their RCOINs for K Rental stocks to prevent significant loss. Profit can be expected if SRCOIN holders decide to trade their coin for the K Rental stocks before June 2018.

· 15,000 SRCOINs = US $15

· 1 K Rental Stock = US $25

· 15,000 SRCOINs = 1 K Rental Stock (Before June 2018)

By allowing the exchange between SRCOINs and K Rental stocks, they are corroborating and strengthening the stability and value of SRCOINs. SRCOIN is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum BlockChain and, through crowdfunding, they will be distributed to ICO contributors as a cryptocurrency token as stated in the whitepaper.

➢Number of available coins: 10.5 Billion


· 1st Pre ICO: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN + Bonus 100,000 SRCOIN

▪Until 31st January 2018 (UTC)

· 2nd Pre ICO: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN + Bonus 100,000 SRCOIN

▪1st February 2018 -28th February 2018 (UTC)

· Main ICO: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN

▪1st March 2018–31st March 2018 (UTC)

➢Payment: 1 ETH = 700,000 SRCOIN


· Participants (70%)

· Founding Team (15%)

· Advisors & Early Investors (10%)

· Sales Team (5%)

➢ICO Fund utilization:

· Asset Investment and App Development (95%)

· Project Operations (5%)

Through selling massage chair subscription plans to our customers on a large scale through K Rental’s network, we will use 30% of the profits generated to implement our buy back & burn policy every quarter. Hence, SRCOIN’s outstanding supply will decrease, and the possibility of SRCOIN’s price increasing will be higher. Therefore, for those ICO contributors that want to prepare against the danger of cryptocurrencies lacking stability in value, SRCOIN satisfies the 3 essential characteristics of viable and lasting currency and provides attractive profits for those involved.

Project Roadmap

Official Website. . . . .

WhitePaper. . . . . . . .

Telegram. . . . . . . . . . .

Official Twitter. . . . . . .

Facebook. . . . . . . . . .

Author. . . . PRINOX2

Twitter. . . .

Facebook. . .

Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1318207

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 68462.20
ETH 2502.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52