SPUME - Holder Owned NFT Marketplace !!

in #spumetoken3 years ago (edited)

SPUME is the first fully decentralized, community-owned NFT marketplace on Ethereum and eventually Cardano, where those who hold the SPUME token will share the revenue generated from the marketplace's transaction fees.


The goal of Spume is to return the power back to the holders, fairly reward community members, and create an all-encompassing platform for users to buy, sell, trade, and create non-fungible tokens on multiple blockchains. Through the accomplishment of these goals, Spume will be the first truly decentralized and autonomous NFT community, marketplace, and token that removes brokers, banks, and other centralized authorities from unjustifiably taxing the transactions and property of individuals.

SPUME The Solution !!

NFT Market is getting massive day by day and websites like OpeanSea currently charge 2.5 %on every transaction as the data shows they facilitated over $2.3 billion in volume, meaning they charged NFT traders over a whooping $50 million.

SPUME is decentralized and secured even if they charge 2.5 %on every transaction, but that fee is paid out evenly to SPUME holders. This incentivizes those who use the platform to hold SPUME and participate in the governance which gives holders make decisions on large updates to the marketplace and additional utilities will be by voting. Thus it removes power from one centralized source and returns it to the users of the platform.

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Spume Features

  • Buy & Sell NFTS
  • Create Collections
  • Hold SPUME and Earn
  • Create and Sell Music

    The total supply of SPUME is 100 million. This is a fixed supply, there will be no SPUME minted or burned. The SPUME token has already been created and the total supply can be verified at the Etherscan . The token is an implementation of Open Zeppelin's standard ERC20 token, with the addition of their Snapshot class. Snapshots can only be taken by authorized accounts, and will be utilized later on for voting purposes with the Spume DAO and potentially to pay out rewards with the NFT Marketplace.



    Unlike others, Spume DAO will have a number of members working together to expand and improve the NFT Marketplace. It should be noted that shareholders and members do not have to be disjoint. This system will be governed by a smart contract such that the direction the Spume members build in is governed by the shareholders.

    Members & Shareholders

    There are two types of individuals within the DAO: members and shareholders. Members are people who work for the DAO, getting paid from the DAO Treasury, Shareholders are people who do not work for the DAO but hold any number of Spume.

    Ownership and Voting

    Everyone who owns Spume tokens is a shareholder of the DAO and therefore is entitled to vote on proposals made by members. Every shareholder can vote once on any vote.

    Treasury and Dividends

    Just as shareholders are paid out dividends from the 2.5% Marketplace fee, the DAO is paid out dividends. Because the DAO holds 20% of all SPUME tokens, they are entitled to 20% of the Marketplace’s 2.5% fee.

    White Paper

    How to Get SPUME ?

    SPUME will be available in the private sale at $0.30 per token, the launchpad phase at $0.40 per token, and be listed on exchanges starting at $0.50 per token. These prices were not chosen randomly, they were derived from the expected derivatives the SPUME token will earn. Spume is currently in the private sale phase but will be available to the public shortly.

    Private Sale (44%) Sold

    50% of tokens purchased during the private sale will be sent to you immediately. The following 50% will be available 20 days after our first exchange listing and will be claimable from our claim page: https://spume.io/claim

    Spume Goals

  • Real Estate
  • Art Without Brokers
  • Digital Licensing
  • The Abolition of Centralized Authority
  • Revenue Sharing With Spume Holders
  • Spume Team

    Each expert in their field, the core Spume team is dedicated to realizing a decentralized autonomously owned NFT Marketplace where holders have the power

    Beauregard Moody (Operations)
    Silas Marvin (Technology)
    Leonidas Pena (Executive Advisor)

    See Full Team

    Official Links:

    Web Page
    White Paper
    Executive Summary
    SPUME Smart Contract.

    Follow Us:


    Forum Username: Shamriyas87


    Coin Marketplace

    STEEM 0.18
    TRX 0.15
    JST 0.029
    BTC 61702.75
    ETH 2485.85
    USDT 1.00
    SBD 2.65