SPUD4STEEM 2021 STATS - Quarter of a Million Powered up

in #spud4steem3 years ago

With the December #SPUD4STEEM done and dusted we can now release some Stats, #SPUD4STEEM has helped power up a staggering 258,000 Steem

That's right a quarter of a million Steem



We also had 590 users join into #SPUD4STEEM in 2021 which is a huge number!


Add in the fact we have made quite a few new dolphins this year #SPUD4STEEM has proven to be a worth while Community run competition.

#SPUD4STEEM going forward

Expect a couple of new sponsors to be announced shortly which will increase our prize pool further.


Without these generous sponsors we would have nothing in the prize pool, i really want to thank these people for their support.


Have a good day wherever you are reading this Worldwide.

I am @kiwiscanfly 🐔🥔



Hey @kiwiscanfly. Happy new year! I was just curious, how do you calculate the total monthly powerup from #spud4steem? Is this a manual process or are there tools available that help you with this.

If it's a manual process, I might be able to help you out with the calculations.

Hey Happy New Year to you as well, pretty manual process with calculation done using % increase tool

An automated system/way would be nicer

Got it. I'll see what I can do about that :)

Ha sido una increible experiencia participar en el SPUD4STEEM, sigamos avanzando.

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

This is very good Statistical Data information, that #SPUD4STEEM
has helped increase 258,000 Steem. Amazing.
Boss, is there SPUD4STEEM Contest on January 1st...?

Best community

I have included this post in the 28th issue of Steem News Magazine For Steemit Platform | December 18, 2021.

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