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RE: Rexxie Ragnarok : My entry to SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!

in #spt4 years ago

Mr. Juice! (May I call you that? Juicy, perhaps? 🤣)

Another great post. You shouldn't feel bad if you find yourself just scrolling through it admiring its beauty. #aestheticallypleasing

As you point out, Rexxie has a lot going for ... and against him, but when put in the right place he's just the ticket for a strong win.

I totally agree: all cards have their place. The devs who are creating the magical numbers that make this game continue to work are working VERY hard to ensure (if at all possible) that no cards just lose value. And so far, yes, there are definitely 'favorites', but I'm still able to find a very good use case for most cards. ... Or I ask the community to tell me how to use them. 😉



Haha! yes you can call me juice, anytime! And yes.. sm is full of surprises.. sometimes the card upon you depend upon may harras you but the card that you were neglecting for a long time may actually surprize you!
This is my feeling right now about Rexxie. I forgot him for a long time but through this challenge post, he has proved himself once again!

Thank you @carrieallen for creating such nice contests. I ll again participate in the next one. Don't tell me it's stone golem this time.. 😅🤣

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