in #spt3 years ago

Hello Splinterland warriors!

Another week of Battle challenge with another monster from the life family but its been a long that i did not participate in the last two week so here is my participation for this week thanks Always to the team for the great support and arranging these challenges for us on weekly basis.


Edition: PROMO (ORB)
Rarity: RARE
Element: LIFE
ABILITIES: Cleanse at level 1; Swiftness at level 5

SILVERSHIELD BARD is a rare life monster from promo edition which were in ORBS packs now a days you can only get it from the market only and using this monster in your battlefield will just give you a benefit of cleansing to remove the negative abilties from your friedly monsters.




In the battle lineup, i will explain each card one by one that i used in the specific position. However, this battle is a not winning battle but still i shared it because of level 3 summoner it is not necessary to share a winning battle only...


TYRUS PALADIUM is a rare LIFE summoner from the beta and alpha edition that i did not upgraded yet to further level because of the daria dragon summoner i can easily use the monster of this life splinter with enough level.


Well, in the first position i went for Golin Mech which is a common neutral monster with strong melee attack and high mana to stand for sometime in the first position. There were a ruleset of opportunity and common, rare monster should be used in the battle so Goblin mech will not be targetet first.

In the second position, i used reach ability monster but this ability will not worked here because of the opportunity ruleset where all the monsters has opportunity abillity and will find the lowest health monster.

In the third position, i used the main monster of this week Silvershield bard which is a single mana monster. I used this monster especially for the battle challenge but let me say that i did not win this battle because just checked the opponent summoner and monsters but still i want to share this battle to show my strategy but it did not worked because of the less upgraded summoner and monsters. This monster worked well to remove the negative status form his friendly monster and because of that SHIELDBEARER saved this monster from early death.

For increasing one extra melee attack i went for SILVERSHIELD KNIGHT which is also a common life monster that i don't have a single BCX but because of the starter pack i can use it in my battles to incease the melee attack of other melee friendly monsters.

Well, the mana was enough so choosing a high mana monster was good like this monster which is also a high mana monster with powerful range attack that i have at level 4 but because of the summoner the range attack of this monster reduce from 4 to 3 :( also while facing the strong opponent with level 3 cards is not possible to win this game but still need to upgrade this summoner will check out the price...

In the last position i used SHIELDBEARER which is a rare monster from the untamed packs edition and i used this in the last position because of its taunt ability that will divert the fous of all enemy monsters and all of them will targeted this monster untill it dies so in this way you can save your other monsters from early death because of this monster but this will work only when you unlock the shield ability and will use a repair monster in addition.

Did your strategy work?

Nope this strategy not worked for me but still i shared this battle to get feedback from other guys i know i lose this battle because of the low upgraded summoner but check out the opponent also.. i hope the strategy will be fine but......

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali

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