Update: Rewards Cards - Global Stats 'Beta'

in #spt4 years ago (edited)

Card stats / filters for Splinterlands

Global Stats 'Beta':


The following stats are available on a Normal / Gold / Total basis (where applicable):

  • BCX Existing
  • BCX Burnt
  • Total BCX Printed
  • Average % Printed (still printing)
  • Average % Burnt
  • Cards Still Printing
  • Cards Out of Print
  • Approximate Cost of Max Rewards Set

EDIT: % Average BCX renamed to Total % Burnt - Total figured updated to match.

Feel free to make any suggestions / additions. I'm keeping fairly busy so don't have a lot of time for updates but I've been wanting to add this for a while 👍.

I've done a preliminary check on the numbers, but if you see anything that looks a bit odd leave a comment 👌

GitHub commit.

Related post: Splinterlands API Documentation

GitHub Repo

Stay safe 😷 and enjoy the rest of your day :)

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