Highest Battle Rating reached so far, 4000+ BR!

in #spt4 years ago

Well right before the current season ends, I just wanna share this small feat of mine I achieved just hours before we bid goodbye to Season 37.

Today, for the first time since I started playing this game 2 years ago I finally reached a Battle Rating of 4000+! FOUR THOUSAND PLUSSSS! Who would have thought huh?! XD


Honestly I don't really mind losing some matches today (and even somewhat expected it) and was even considering going back to Diamond I so that my season rating be resettted back to Gold I instead of Diamond III.

As some of you might have noticed, a day after the season reset we get more than the usual DEC rewards per ranked matched win, so being resetted back to Gold I instead of Diamond III is honestly more worth it trust me. XD

But I didn't expect to get a 7-winning streak today. Yep! A long winning streak in the Champions league with no surrenders at that. I'm really proud here! XD


Still 120+ Battle Rating more to reach CHAMPION II but the hope is now there. Maybe next season I get more lucky and will really reach CHAMPION II. XD

Judging on my performance per season seen on the graph below, it has been increasingggg! Last season the highest Battle Rating I reached was 3,946 BR, now 4,084 BR who knows maybe I will really reach 4200 BR or Champion II next season. XD


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