in #springrole6 years ago (edited)

Innovations come, change our lives, then they get replaced by better versions of themselves. Think of the mobile phone which is now essentially a smartphone, the basics remain the same but so much has changed. Right now, we are living in the digital revolution era where anything that can be digitized is quickly being converted to files that can easily be stored on devices or cloud storage. The latest technology that is sending shockwaves across various sectors is blockchain technology. Wherever it is applied, a lot has to change with the most notable changes coming in the form of decentralization. A key area where blockchain is going to be applied is in the employment space. There are advancements that have taken place here but they still do not support the digital future that we will soon achieve. Many of the processes that are being followed especially by established institutions are a bit rudimentary, consuming a lot of time and resources which could have been channeled to improve other areas. This can however change if blockchain is applied effectively through a well-thought-out platform. SpringRole is coming in to provide the changes that this sector needs by applying blockchain in its proposed platform.
Bringing valuable change to the table
Here’s are two scenarios of what people have to go through while looking for jobs.
• John is a recent graduate who wants to work for one of the successful companies in his home area. He has written different applications to the companies that he is targeting. One of them got back to him and requested for his original certificate showing his degree qualification which John gladly sent. John never got the job but what’s worse is that his certificate was never returned to him. He got excuse after excuse until he got fed up and decided to apply for a lost certificate in his former university which was a hustle but he eventually got a replacement. John is just one example of many especially those in third-world countries where physical documents are normally requested by employers.
• Chloe owns a large boutique store in her home town. She plans to expand her services to neighboring towns and hopefully nationwide and even internationally one day. She needs to increase her staff by about 30% to cater for the new stores that are to come up. Chloe has to hire a team of professionals who will vet the applications that her company has gotten so far and confirm their credentials before conducting interviews and selecting the best out of all the applicants. With over 500 applications received, different criteria have to be drawn out on how the candidates will be selected, shortlisted and finally interviewed for the jobs. The hired team has to be paid by the hour while offering their services until the recruitment process is over. If Chloe decides to select a team from within the organization, it would cost less but still take up a lot of time.
These two scenarios show part of the problem that the employment sector is facing. The tools to change this are there and it just requires the right application which SpringRole is going to provide through its platform.
The changes SpringRole is going to initiate include the following,
• Digitizing the employment process. Efforts have previously been made to make employment processes digitized and save on the time taken during recruitment. SpringRole is going to improve on this by creating a platform which will encourage various stakeholders in the employment industry to really consider digital documentations as official documents as long as they bear the necessary authenticating factors. This will mainly include certificates showing the various qualifications and skills achieved.
• Credibility in the employment process. Corruption runs deep in some countries which prevents the right people from getting the right jobs. This is just similar to economic suicide. SpringRole’s platform is based on blockchain technology which is all about transparency. SpringRole has features that can be exploited by institutions to ensure that the recruitment process remains as fair as possible giving each applicant an equal chance of getting the jobs posted.
• Resource saving when recruiting. This would benefit nearly all institutions, allowing them to save on costs and to spend their time working on other things. SpringRole’s ability to make this happen will be explained on this article.

Stakeholders to make things happen
As an attestation platform, SpringRole will definitely require attesters from all categories. In the past, and even now, companies have to go through long processes of confirming credentials with various institutions and individuals while recruiting their staff. SpringRole wants to bring all these parties into one platform where they can easily interact in a safe, transparent and secure environment providing each other with the services they need. Here are key parties important for the SpringRole project to succeed,
• Universities, colleges and other tertiary institutions. They are probably the most widely sought when institutions are verifying credentials. These are the trainers of a nearly all applicants in various organizations. Having them in SpringRole would make it far much easier and cheaper for organizations to carry out their recruitment process. They could easily share their information with these institutions who would then confirm whether the mentioned applicant is from that specific university and whether they indeed completed and passed their undergraduate or post-graduate program. Employers could also analyze the curriculum from various universities selecting candidates from universities which they think offer the best curriculum for their type of work.
• Course providers. These have come up due to the digitization of learning in various institutions. Some universities offer short online courses for learners who would like to improve their skills or gain some general insight in particular fields. Some even offer full courses which may not require the students to be actively in class as long as they submit their work online. They even offer certificates upon completion of these courses. Such skills could be listed by applicants while applying for positions in various organizations. Having them in SpringRole would make it easier for employers to confirm the credibility of these course providers as some of the employers are a bit skeptical about online studies. This ay change their view while also helping them weed out lies in applicant resumes.
• Examination providers. There are some professions such as medicine, law and accounting which have examination bodies that determine whether a graduate in these fields of work can practice or not. Such bodies are also essential in SpringRole confirming whether applicants actually passed their medical, bar exam or any other professional exam that they offer.
• Individuals (job seekers and various professionals). SpringRole can only be as good as the job seekers in its platform. These are the ones who will need attestations and recommendations while looking for work. The more they are the better SpringRole will perform. Their number is also important for SpringRole’s success in the employment sector. SpringRole is carrying out different campaigns to try and create awareness for its platform hoping to attract a large number of users to its platform. Professionals are also included here. Professionals may provide attestation services as well. There are some notable names in various industries, professors, accomplished physicians, lawyers and other professionals who can offer advice or recommendations based on their experience and knowledge o their profession.
• Potential employers. This includes various institutions, organizations or individuals who can offer employment. Their presence is required and important in SpringRole. They can offer employment to those expected to join SpringRole while also benefiting from qualified professionals in the platform. They also stand to benefit from confirming the resumés of applicants through SpringRole which would save them a lot of resources. SpringRole will probably be their best option for finding the best qualified and verified employees in the market. With the digitization of various sectors, employers could find SpringRole as the best digitization form for their companies’ needs.
These parties will give various attestations in SpringRole from educational to skill attestations. For job seekers, the more attestations they get, the higher their skill points increase in the platform. It becomes easier to secure jobs or get recommendations with higher skill points. With such a system, it may lead to healthy competition in the platform.

Spring Token
SpringRole will be powered by Spring tokens which are the official utility tokens for the platform. They will also act as incentives being used as rewards whenever new members join the platform. Those who recommend the platform to others will also receive Spring Tokens. Some forms of attestations will also require the use of Spring tokens to prevent any form of favoritism in the platform. Blockchain will make the token system possible for SpringRole.
source: springrole white paper

The future of employment lies with such solutions. SpringRole is a forward-thinking project that, when successful, will change the entire recruitment process structure. SpringRole joins the ranks of blockchain applications keen on solving real world issues through the innovation that technology has facilitated. More literature can be found through their official website which will be linked below, including their token participation link.
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Thank you for the feedback and upvote @francys4025. I have followed you so hopefully you can aso follow me back so i cen see your posts often

Hello @rhinoboy11 This is a very informative and quite comprehensive read. I love the way you portray your points using scenario of the job seeker and the entrepreneur seeking expanison. Those are excellent illustrations.

I've personally had some issues with documentation during a job hunt, my original credentials were requested which I presented gladly but to my surprise it was rejected just because the color of the print doesn't look right. That's how I lost the opportunity.

Now that SpringRole is here, it would be easier for recruiters to verify the authenticity of documents directly from institutions without job seekers having to present physical documents.

Thank you for the information. Although I think you should consider formatting your article, it helps in presenting the ideas neatly.

Thumbs up @rihnoboy11 Followed and Upvoted.

thank you for taking your time to read and even make a comment. I will be following you back and upvote your post as well.

I really appreciate the support. @tymix12

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