Spring And Dogs

in #spring6 years ago (edited)

The winter has been a long and cold one. In time the days get warmer and it's time to shed the layers.

It's not spring just yet, but it is time to get ready for spring.

For starts, its spring cleaning. Dusting, washing walls (well that one is an every few days kind of thing with kids), decluttering, etc is on the to do list but there is also the itch to start growing things from seeds.

March 18th is when I've set up a spot in the living room for Frankie and I to start our gardening journey. I love doing this with the kids as there is so much to learn about gardening. It is my hopes that they know more than me at this point as I've only started to grow things about 2 years ago. This will be our 3rd year.

I let Frankie do the work that all kids love doing. Getting in the dirt that is! She had a great time filling in the pods with soil.

With a little bit of help, Frankie quickly learned how to plant seeds. She is a quick learner.

The seeds sprouted much faster than I anticipated; the first ones to sprout were the beets. Then the broccoli and the zucchini and so forth. The last to sprout were the tomatoes.

During this time I have already dealt with white mold. I was careful to not over water the seedlings and sprouts, waiting for the soil to be dry before watering. I only watered once before there was mold. Ends up, there just wasn't enough air circulation in the indoor greenhouse. So I leave it open every now and then, and with the help of a small fan, the mold started to die off.

When I checked the plants today, I noticed the broccoli is coming along nicely. Strong stems pushing through, some are nice and tall!

The other plants are doing well, but are growing at a slower pace than the rest.

Starting with a nice variety of vegetables, cabbage, spinach, beans and peas along with what I already mentioned; I am thinking of planting the same seeds again in about a month so that we can continuously have growth, some for eating some for canning.

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As I have mentioned earlier; spring means that we shed some layers. Well that's not just for us humans. No, it also goes for the mutts. I should say, this mutt. My other dog, Moe. If the name 'Moe' makes you think of the character from The Simpsons, well, you should. He has the almost the same matching personality; sketchy, can have attitude, grey hair, runs from conflicts etc.

Except my Moe cleans up nicely.

See this mop of a thing?

Ya, that's a dog. That's what a mini Schnauzer mix looks like when the hair grows and wont stop rubbing himself on everything. Even with a good brushing, this guy manages to get his undercoat matted. He would go on his back and wiggle like a mad man on the floor, outside in the snow, on the chair, on my sons beg and he does for what seems like 15 minutes, multiple times a day. He's itchy, I know, I'm working on it.

I tried taking a better before picture of the old man but he knew what I was doing and tried hiding from me under my son's bed. I managed to bribe him out of there with a belly rub. Can you see his smile? Yes, dogs smile....

Just wait though, he looks all cute and charming after the grooming.

So here is the real Moe, trying to avoid the camera once more...

Just like siblings, Piper can't let Moe get all the attention. Jealousy rules in this moment.

But in my son's room, this is the only place Moe will defend. Just like Moe and his bar in The Simpsons.

Kids will be kids though, as Piper gets back at him for his nastiness.

Once again, Moe rules this room and wont let her get away with it.

So much for getting a nice shot of Moe and his new hairdo. Notice how I can call them kids. They act the same way as my kids do.


With shedding fur comes the melting of snow. More people go outside for walks including us. It was nice to take Piper out for a walk without freezing my butt off.

Why didn't I bring Moe? Well he would be swimming in some of the puddles and then he would freeze. He is such a small dog.

And one of the most welcoming images to see....

Pipers paw print in the mud! MUUUUUUUUUUD! WOOOHOO! Be gone snow, be gone! :D

Has spring hit where you are yet?

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How awesome that you are doing this with the kids! Your daughter is so adorable and I can see she is really enjoying this part of learning. I loved to start my seeds indoors and I love when the stalks start bending towards the light!
The mold is a big problem I found, but, like you, I worked around it.

Moe was truly a mop in disguise, wasn't he? I love his new haircut and he really does look like a schnauzer there! :) Dogs are like toddlers sometimes. LOL At the very least, kids.

Paw prints! Yikes!

Yes, spring has hit us in the Washington, DC area!

Great post and it was so much fun to read! Have a great day!


Thank you for the tip ^_^

I'm happy you enjoyed the read :) Frankie takes a lot of joy when getting to learn something and she has proven to be a quick learner for a lot of things, not just this. Fills my heart ^_^

Spring is such a fun time as it feels like it brings hope. After such a long time spent in winter, the hope to warmer weather is much needed.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you and yes!!! Indeed! Winter is long, no matter where you live. I think I am like the dogs, needing to get out, but wanting it to be nice out too.

It is warm and spring here now. Tomorrow will almost be 80 degrees but, the next day it drops 25 degrees!!! Oi!

LOL Mother nature at its finest lol. Here the nights are still cold but the days are slightly on the warm side.

It's getting there! Ours just rolled over to spring!

Oh my! your daughter is too cute!!! Precious! And do that kind of activities with her is amazing! Good memories for her :3 growing vegetables is fun and healthy, and your dogs looks so fun too xD you have a beautiful family for sure

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Thank you very much ^_^ It is so good for them to get their little hands dirty and know how it works for growing food, where it comes from. Very important that they learn this so that they too can one day be self sufficient.

Great that you've got your daughter started gardening at an early age, it's a good skill to learn, for if they can grow their own food they will never have to know hunger! She looks so happy playing in the dirt!

What a difference in your dog after his hair cut, I never knew the Schnauzer looked like that if they were not groomed!
Thanks for sharing and Happy Gardening!
I'm anxiously waiting for the snow to go so I can get into the dirt outside!

You've got it! The next thing to learn later on is foraging. Get all the skills possible to be prepared for the worst.
Moe is a schnauzer mix, but doesn't look too far off. Handsome when groomed eh?

You are welcome and thank you for reading and commenting! Thank you for your support.

I know how you feel! I want to get in the greenhouse outside and work the yard as well! It cant melt fast enough... although that means flooding so it can take its time lol.

He is a handsome dude!
I hear you on not having to fast of melt so we don't get flooding.
I can be patient (a bit) if it me we don't have water running across our road.

@foxyspirit, your post is really fun to read. And your daughter is so so adorable.

What a lovely time to do planting at this time of year. I used to teach kids and they just love watching young plants shooting up.

Oh, and your dog is so cute. In that first picture, if you didn't so, I would not recognize it is even a dog. Could have fooled me it is a mop.

As for spring here in Hong Kong, it is flu season here becausse the weather changes aburptly 10 degrees up one week and 10 degrees down the next week.

But next week is April, so it should get warmer and hotter soon here in HK.

Have a good day,

Thank you ^_^ Kids are so much fun, the way they share their experience is a delight as well.

Yes, Moe can fool a lot of people that way lol. We let him grow it a bit long because of the cold winter but when he roles into everything, he gets his undercoat all matted. He will be groomed more often in the summer.

Awful having to go through icky seasons like that. Hoping warm weather comes soon and treats you all nicely!

Look at little Moe smiling while mommy rubs her belly! I get the same look whenever my dog gets a belly rub or is being carried

Spoiled little doggies eh. LOL I like how dogs can smile. It's the cutest thing!

m20180901_091953-1.jpgmom always carries me even when it hurts her back

aw! look at that smile LOL cute puppy

that's what we do these days. he's already 4 years old.

Hi foxyspirit,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you <3

That is an awesome bonding time with you daughter. Planting and a learning experience at the same time. Soon she will be also be harvesting the those veggies. Hope you share with us the experience when it is time to harvest.

Oh I let my kids eat straight from the plant. My son loves it when beans and tomatoes grow, he gets really excited to see them form. Love it that we can go to the garden for salad, or zucchini when we need it for a meal. It has a good feeling of accomplishments. When the 2 girls understand how to pick from the plant, I will be able to ask them to go get me something for supper. Its going to be really fun!

Awww what a wonderful and heart warming post. I really like that you shared your beautiful life with all of us, doggos and Frankie are totes adorable. And it seems every day is an adventure in your family.

Grats for the curie vote, foxy :).

Thank you @scrawly! This is memories in the making and posting like this kind of acts like a memory book :) An easy way to relive the moments and emotions.

There is an opportunity to have an adventure at every moment. We just gotta take the chance ;)

Curie was a surprise to see! So excited and grateful for it <3

Frankie is adorable @foxyspirit! Long may she enjoy getting her hands dirty. I loved watching things grow - still do - when I was her age. My Dad started us with a row of radishes - in our own veggie patch!

I am envious of your approaching spring as we approach winter. Ours are not nearly as hard or cold as yours, but we are not geared for it as you are - no double glazing, not central heating, etc. and we do get the odd bit of snow. Last night was our coldest so far - went down to 11 and we were over 30 on Saturday. And, congratulations on the @curie!

I hope they too feel that way later on in life and they decide to grow their gardens too :)

I know after the summer I will be welcoming the fall, but not so much the winter. Winters are always dreadful lol.

Thank you so much!

You know, there's a swing back to the earth, so let's hope so. It was so NOT fashionable when I was a kid.

Autumn is my most favourite season. The days are still warm, the wind is gone, the garden is full of bounty and best of all (well, alsmost) the colours are as beautiful as spring.

Ah you and I have the same thoughts! Autumn all the way!

Hey foxy.Great to see you doing the stuff with the kids. They learn so much and creates more interest in things other kids have no knowledge of at all. I agree with you seeing mud and not snow is a good sign that spring is here. We don't have snow like you guys so when I see mud it is like you seeing snow. The dogs we have make such a mess that when it rains they stay inside until it's dry.

Oh I know what you mean with the dogs! So far Piper has been kind as to not be rolling in it, but Moe does. And what a mess! He hasn't yet though, but he did last summer. He definitely didn't come out looking like a grey dog lol.