Spotlight Writing Contest #1: Eyes of Sorrow

in #spotlight7 years ago (edited)



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Early one wintry morning—while darkness still prevailed—I was on my way to work when she stepped out from behind the bags of trash and exited the alley. She was dragging her entire life, stuffed into two brown shopping bags, along with her.

I knew immediately, this soul has known the hiss and the kiss from the lash of life.
The map of the gale, etched on her leathery face. From the corners of her cavernous eyes I understood she had finished, called it off, she had tumbled out of the race.
She saw the look on my face and it must have moved her because she smiled at me and began to speak gruffly:

“I recall when need and desire were the coal and the fire,… that drove this engine up the hill,… could drive it anywhere by sheer will. We all inhale the same toxic air and all the waters on the planet are one. As our days slip by,… they fail to reach us with any depth,… only the years will untangle the answers and will,… eventually, teach us much. Who and what we are and do is automatically taught…… those whom we nurture and raise…… Pawns of Nature’s Great Symphony for nothing is permanent in Nature, on Earth, in the Cosmos.
Are we not all—the people of the earth—one? Forgive me for….. the spaces in my sentences. I am often accompanied by… the Angel of forgetfulness. I am ashamed to die without having done something noble for someone in need. If every snowflake has its own port of call, destination, journey’ end…..why then shouldn’t we?”

Whatever residue of brawn left in her delicate body was concentrated in her eyes—those beautiful aged eyes.
The day broke gray and chilly and I desperately struggled to keep despair at bay but it continued to enter into me, grow and gain ground.
For the rest of that day I could see nothing but that gentle lady’s sad smile and sorrowful eyes.


Beautiful relate

Hello @michaelcj please read the contest rules. The minimum word count required for a writing submission is 2000.

OK thanks

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