Volleyball preseason training: thrid week (with videos)

in #sportstalk5 years ago (edited)


In this series of articles I try to describe some training techniques that I have used during my years as a trainer of base categories and this last year with the SM2 team of Calasancias Coruña.

These articles are not intended to give the keys to technical gestures or can provide the experience generated by a coach over time. It only tries to give ideas to generate exercises that can be useful for other teams and help them to improve their training.



Joint warm-ups and warm-up exercises are performed with a continuous run, paying attention to the ankles, knees, shoulders and neck. If you have elastic bands, it would also be good to do exercises to strengthen the hands on the shoulders.


Warm up with the ball


Players are placed in trios or pairs to make pitches and then touch fingers and arms. In the case of trios it will be done with mobility exchanging positions as shown in the figure.



Diagonals of setting and passing

Players make two diagonals, one on each field and start touching fingers as they rotate from side to side of the diagonal, then do the same with arms.

The goal must be to find a good technical gesture while getting the players to move and warm up.


Reactive defense

The players are divided into two groups, one of the groups performs reactive defense against the wall as seen in the video, trying to find the lateral limits of the player in defense.

The other group performs the defense exercise in which they have to turn quickly and try to defend the ball that reaches them.


Full field defense

The work is done individually, only one player works intensively while the rest is dedicated to collecting balls. In the first part of the exercise balls are thrown from the other field, seeking to expand the range of mobility.

Then in a second part of the exercise the ball is thrown from the own field, also looking for attack defense, not only feints.


Pipe ball defense

You mount a 5 vs. 5 in which you glue zaguero 5 diagonally. On the other side is mounted diagonal defense, if the ball ends line and defends the setter, would have to place the player of 6. Try to seek continuity in this exercise.


Passing and K1

First of all, it's just an exercise in which receivers are inserted to warm up.

Then serve controlled on receivers in zone 6 and 5 mainly. After the reception the setter tries first time or second time to the 4 not receiver or to the 6 not receiver. Try to work on accelerating the attack time with good reception.


Add K2

A complete set of equipment is mounted on the serve side. After the serve, an attempt is made to defend and mount a counterattack. An easy ball will also be thrown from the opposing side to make K2 from the serve side.




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