Distraction is the enemy of success...

there is plenty of news leading up to the 2019 NFL season to keep u occupied, from AB's helmet, to Lucks, ankle, from Eli's game count to whether or not Melvin Gordon and Ezekiel Eliot Deserve top-five contracts in the for mf $$$.  And while this may be driving the big networks bylines on a daily basis, to me, it is all just fluff.  the bottom line is the season starts in three weeks, who is going to be ready and who is not gonna compete.  To me, all of the story lines that are happening is going to interfere with what the goal is... A World Championship.

Antonio Brown may be in the news because he has frostbitten feet and he doesn't like his helmet, and Eli may be in the hot seat in New York because a Rookie that had no business being drafted at #5 had ONE good series in the FIRST preseason game, and while the media converge on Indianapolis because Andrew Luck has yet another boo-boo that may keep him on the sidelines for week one to "whatever", the distractions off the field will always distract from the goal, and that is to win a championship.

All of these issues have fascinated the masses and put the spotlight on stories that will, in the long run, determine who is playing in January and who will be sitting at home.  The Raiders, the Giants, and possibly even the Cowboys and Colts will not make the playoffs because of what is happening before the season even starts.  In the NFL distraction breeds mediocrity, while teams flying under the radar in the preseason end up being contenders in January and February.  With all that being said, in regards to all of these teams facing drama and issues before the season even starts, will not be in Miami come February...  None of them.

I'm just sayin...

Have a good night... and remember to be good to each other

Scott "The Sports Nerd"


so glad my team traded AB. just sayin.....we don't need that...c how he does with a different QB and a weak line......can list a few WRs leaving black & gold for greener pasture only never to be heard from again

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