Personal Message by An Action Idol To A Karate Girl

in #sportstalk5 years ago

Karate is not just a sport but a self-defense skill.

For Jesse McParland, it was her performance that she would come up with different actions to be evaluated by the judges on World’s Got Talent 2019.

Watch her great physical movement and get inspired by her performance.

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This little girl is also inspired to become who she is today by her action idol, Jackie Chan.

After the performance, she had a surprise gift where she watched a videoclip from Jackie Chan to her and she also had some gifts from him.

Regardless of sports or other talents, there are many kids who are inspired to take up certain sports because of certain influence by certain adult.

My older son has a strong passion in basketball but I do not play basketball actually.

He would come home late just because he went to play basketball during his school days.

He was inspired to take up this sport because of a basketball show that he watched when he was young.

The basketball players in the show performed amazing basketball skills that he wanted to become like them.

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