September 8, 19: AutomaticWin, Hiking in the Woods, and Grocery Shopping


We got out into the woods for a hike this morning. Been a while since we went out there and about as long since I got an #AutomaticWin! It was a bit chilly, but that meant there were hardly any bugs; I’d take that trade any day, hands down!!


Had to split our hike to sync with the ActiFit app before ten.


The fall is setting in, and the colors are fewer and farther between. Yet, as a result, any splash jumps out at you! Red berries are in season this time of the season.



Lots of different shrooms...




Can you believe purple mushrooms?! So tempted to take a nibble to find out what devilish magic lies within those...probably a wicked tummyache! 😁


Still a few blossoms here and there.



In the afternoon I pulled some more weeds. Starting to look decent again...


Afterward, we went into town and did the weekly grocery shopping.

In the evening I attended the monthly meeting of the Libertarian Executive Committee and then we made pizza and watched some of the new Dark Chrystal series on Netflix.

Average Last 7 Days: 17,386

Lifetime Average: 15,767

10k per Day Streak: 7
Longest Streak: 196


#AutomaticWin Tally: 97
#AutomaticWin Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 7

#TripleTen Tally: 64
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

Highest Floors: 101

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 88%
Satisfaction: 87%
Energy: 80%
Productivity: 70%






Power up and Steem on!


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Sad to see the colors fading away always a sign of the seasons changing

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