May 13, 20: AutomaticWin, Zombierun, Xbox, Wednesday Walk, More Dryer Teardown, and Games


Woah! I slept all the way until six thirty today for a full night’s sleep and a super high sleep score! 👍😁

Not too much happening during the morning routine. Bitcoin started recovering a bit from its pullback...I think that was my opportunity to dump my STEEM and I’ve probably missed it. 😭

Headed out early for a zombierun and got yet another #AutomaticWin!



Literally still farking freezing out! 🤬 Where’s global warming when you want it?



I really didn’t pay much attention to what the zombie mission was about. I was trying to make progress on my thesis. “The answer’s in the geometry.” That’s what my intuition told me...

Anyway, the zombies were out in spades and I got caught by two of them. The first one a phone call came in at the same time and so I missed the audio and the second one came right after another and there was no way I could escape it even sprinting full blast, so I had to sacrifice two items. I’ve got over a thousand, so I think I’m still alright. 😄

Eight out of ten zombies evaded and mission complete (whatever it was).


I got the steel parts of the dryer basically broken down to the point that they can fit in the back seat of the car to go to the dump (for the recycle man that waits there). I still have the side casing that needs to be cut into three parts to fit, but I have the technology...


I still have some wire left to strip. If you ever get the opportunity to strip wire by hand with an exacto knife, don’t. 😛


BUT, here’s the payoff...the brass and copper I was able to salvage out of it (except what’s left to do). Can’t wait until this is nifty, shiny bars!


In the afternoon I got an amazing surprise!!! Two different people had written posts publicizing the Solairitas Project!!! 😀😃😁 One was written by one of our newest members and the other by taskmaster4450! Woot!

So far, we’ve only sold two more SOL, but that’s two more than yesterday, and hopefully more people will look into it. Regardless, it made me feel good, the project was cast as the future evolution of crypto!!!

I played some more Wolfenstein on the Xbox (got fed up with Sonic for now) and putzed in the garage for quite a while.

In the evening we had eggs and bacon for dinner and watched some Stargate.

Things remain unchanged in my dCity. Another day where everyone just went to work and home and sat in front of the TV...which means no crime and yummy income. 😁

I’ve got enough saved up now for a basic home, but there isn’t really too much point in that since I already have one unemployed. Guess I still need to wait.


Once again I didn’t complete my Holybread arena task for today. 😡 It’s always the same four guys and they always kick my ass at the last second.


Despite my inability to win arena matches, I seem to be holding relatively well in the eighties.



I had three wins without neutral monsters for my Splinterlands quest today. They seem to be coming in pairs, at least they got rid of the tournament one!

It didn’t really take me very long, and only a little swearing, but I’m getting much shorter on DEC for potions at this point.


I completed the quest in Diamond I with a potion. Mostly worthless legendary potions, I mean, considering the constant stream of them I get, how often do I get legendaries or golds?!?! Not any more frequently than I would otherwise as far as I can tell!

That epic blaster is super nice, though:



I got on a nice little win streak, so I kept playing a few more games after I got the quest done. Pushed up to my highest rank ever again!!! One more day in the season and one more chance at a daily quest and Champion...


Proof of #AutomaticWin:


Average Last 7 Days: 16,929

Lifetime Average: 15,903

10k per Day Streak: 50
Longest Streak: 196

Distance on shoes: 380.42 km


#AutomaticWin Tally: 196
#AutomaticWin Streak: 19
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 90
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 127
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 8/10

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 70%
Satisfaction: 86%
Energy: 92%
Productivity: 78%







Pi Cloud Mining



Power up and Hive on!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63635.72
ETH 2597.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91