Mar. 31, 20: SM Season Ends, Programming, Walking, and Games


Got up around five thirty or so with only six and a half hours of sleep. Starting to go into debt again, but at least I haven’t been crashing in the afternoon.

Did my morning stuff and got my posting done. Still had to wait for the SM season to finish, so I didn’t play any in the morning.

Spent some more time working on Solairibot. It does everything I want, in the way that I want so far...just need to figure out the actual vote broadcast now. Still having a bit of trouble with the asynchronous nature of the calls that I want to call sequentially, but I have resolved most of it (ha ha “resolve). 🧐🤓😝

I went into town and ran a couple errands, got some groceries and stuff. There were actually quite a few people there, but the store had like taped x’s on the floor every six feet to help people stay apart and they wouldn’t let me use the bags I brought, only their plastic bags. I have a feeling that this is going to have a “9/11” style effect on our society...

After that I played a bit more Xbox and then went for my daily walk. It was kinda’ short cause it was raining and my hardcoreness was only at like 46%.



The wind made the rain a bit less tolerable than it would have been otherwise, but I got my map and daily sky photo, so that’s at least something. 🙂



In the evening we had eggs and bacon for dinner 😋 and watched some TV.

I think I might as well just expect that I’m not going to complete my Holybread tasks. Not exactly sure why I continue to bother, but maybe persistence will pay off somehow?


I mostly get pitted against the same set of people all the time, so I guess it’s not too much of a surprise that I lose and then lose against them again...they’re basically leveling up as fast as I am.


Lots of red these days.


Hooray! Today was the end of the Splinterlands season. I ended in Diamond I which gave me sixty treasure chests and a reset back to Gold I. 😁

Honestly, the rewards weren’t all too amazing since I mostly got small DEC and potions. Still, there were a few good cards in there (got that new Life archer) and an orb. 😃







My quest for today was Earth splinter. I was hoping to get up I to Diamond before completing the quest, but I was definitely overshooting. I decided that finishing in Gold I with a quest potion wasn’t too bad for the first day of the new season.



The quest rewards were awesome!!! I got two orbs!! 😍🥳



In my orbs I got two new legendaries!!! 😄 Woot!




OMG! I can’t wait to use this badass in battle! 😯


Average Last 7 Days: 13,165

Lifetime Average: 15,916

10k per Day Streak: 7
Longest Streak: 196

Distance on shoes: 83.03 km


#AutomaticWin Tally: 163
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 11

#TripleTen Tally: 75
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 121
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 85%
Satisfaction: 89%
Energy: 74%
Productivity: 87%







Pi Cloud Mining



Power up and Hive on!


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New sending account balance: 445953
New receiving account balance: 100000
Fee: 1
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