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RE: The Jon Jones championship controversy (SPOILERS)

in #sportstalk4 years ago

I dunno, I disagree - UFC scoring is not on the fight as a whole, but round by round. Saying that Jon had octagon control for 90% of the time even in the rounds he lost is totally pointless. I thought he lost the first three rounds, pretty convincingly. It would be hard to make a valid argument that he won any of the first three rounds - not just that Jon got outstruck in all three of those rounds (which he did by count of strikes in each of the first three rounds), but that Reyes had by far the most impactful strikes in each of those rounds as well. Probably the best thing Jon had going for him was his rock solid chin - he didn't even react to strikes that on replay you could see landed totally flush. Some of the judges might not have even thought some of Reyes strikes landed cleanly just based on how little Jon reacted.

Jon won the last two rounds but IMO that should have been 3 rounds to 2 for Reyes.


Do the judges get a playback/slow motion view of the fight before scoring? or do they just work with their eyes?

no it is one of the stupid things about the UFC, judges don't get to use any of the tech available to viewers and commenters.

I agree with your statement.

Octagon control is a deciding factor on who wins a round but its not THE deciding factor. If a round is close then I would tend to give it to the fighter who had octagon control. The first three rounds, while competitive were clear rounds for Reyes. One shouldn't be able to win a fight while getting outstruck/knocked down and getting hit with the harder shots just because they pushed forward.

I follow the same logic for the you got to beat the champ to win the belt statement. Sure if the rounds are close, give them to the champion but the rounds were not close.

Exactly. And actually even in terms of octagon control, in each of the first three rounds Reyes made Jon turn and run from powerful shots... like literally turn his back and run, and Jon still got chased down and had to turtle up in defensive shell to avoid the onslaught. I wouldn't even give Jon the edge in octagon control in the first three rounds. Yes Reyes was back pedaling and moving side to side, but he wasn't turning and running, and he clearly mounted the most significant offense.

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