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RE: Missing The Point Of Spammy Dlike

in #sportstalk5 years ago

I am not arguing, but a quick Google search shows that there are influencers on Pintrest so there is money to be earned there at the expense of others. I'm not saying it is right (which is why you seldom see me doing dlike posts). There are sometimes articles that I feel are worth sharing with others though and Dlike makes it easy to do that vs. dealing with markdown and formatting and all of that in Steemit or some other interface. Besides the blatant spammers, I don't feel average users should have to justify using it (or be looked down on because they do). I do think that Dlike needs to finally step up and state what their intended use case is and how they are going to deal with abusers.


Of course, there are influencers on Pinterest, but they don't earn their money by reposting pins but are paid directly by the companies to show their products.

Here ppl can earn money by posting youtube videos made by other ppl (which is obviously a copyright infringement)

Dlike's like copying reports and selling them as a book right now. It's kind of weird and wrong to earn money based on the ideas of others if you didn't ask them for permission.

But the whole copyrights stuff is a bit weird when a posting get's burned into the blockchain forever. I think that will be a big problem for Steem if more and more ppl start using it. But that's another story xD

Posted using Partiko Android

The problem is, these abusers that they are giving them upvotes are earning @dlike curation rewards so perhaps the issue is not so clear cut and there isn't too much motivation to cull spam there.
I also suspect that there is an element of collaboration...lets say, turning a blind eye between @dlike and some of the account farms. @dlike seem to refuse point blank to sort it out.
I have seen some serious discussions in discord with @steemcleaners getting seriously pissed with @dlike but they don't budge nor do they offer much encouragement for users to change.
I do notice however that users on Sportstalk are changing tack and posting their shares and copied text directly using the Sportstalk tag and not through @dlike . A trawl and flag session this evening didn't show all than many @dlike posts but the ones there were almost all crap.

I agree with you. There has been quite a bit of indifference on the part of Dlike and that continues to be one of my biggest concerns about them. I delegated to them for quite some time and I have a bit of tokens staked with them. I'd like to see them get it sorted out rather than just get the boot, for my own investments sake.

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