The Second Goal Curse and the Manchester United Exams |
Manchester United have experienced a new curse in the last seven matches. They failed to create the second goal in the last seven matches. Even against a third caste league club, Rochhale, Manchester United had to struggle to win penalties after the match ended 1-1 in normal time.
Note it! The match took place at Old Trafford, which used to be known haunted for the visitors. Although statistically Man United really controlled the game - 63 percent compared to 35 percent - but the team made by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer failed to win in normal time. There is only one goal created. Luckily Manchester United managed to come out as winners after winning a 5-3 penalty score.
But the next test is waiting. The English League Cup or Carabao Cup 2019 has entered the fourth round. A total of 16 teams from various divisions in the English League managed to escape. From the drawings that have been carried out, several giant teams from the English Premier League - the highest caste of the English League - meet each other.
One of them, Chelsea will face Manchester United in the fourth round of the 2019 English League Cup. Although Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said he was happy his team would face Chelsea, the test was really not easy. In the inaugural week, Manchester United indeed managed to present a nightmare for Lampard, who has just handled Chelsea. However, in the League Cup the results can be different.
Ole Gunnar and Frank Lampard both welcomed the results of the draw because they thought they were facing a real test. Who will pass the exam? It's not easy to predict, but certainly one of them will be eliminated.
Both coaches both want to turn things around in the midst of the spotlight of many team supporters. If again reap bad results, the future of Solskjaer and Lampard is at stake.[]
Kutukan Gol Kedua dan Ujian Manchester United
Manchester United mengalami kutukan baru dalam tujuh pertandingan terakhir. Mereka gagal menciptakan gol kedua dalam tujuh pertandingan terakhir. Bahkan melawan klub liga kasta ketiga, Rochhale, MU harus bersusah payah untuk menang adu penalti setelah pertandingan berakhir 1-1 dalam waktu normal.
Catat! Pertandingan berlangsung di Old Trafford yang dulu dikenal angker bagi tim tamu. Meski secara statistik Man United sangat mengusasi jalannya pertandingan—63 persen berbanding 35 persen—tapi tim besutan Ole Gunnar Solskjaer gagal meraih kemenangan dalam waktu normal. Hanya ada satu gol tercipta. Beruntung Manchester United berhasil keluar sebagai pemenang setelah unggul skor penalti 5-3.
Tapi ujian berikutnya sudah menunggu. Piala Liga Inggris atau Carabao Cup 2019 telah memasuki putaran keempat. Sebanyak 16 tim dari berbagai divisi di Liga Inggris berhasil lolos. Dari drawing yang sudah dilaksanakan, beberapa tim raksasa dari English Premier League - kasta tertinggi Liga Inggris - saling berjumpa.
Satu di antaranya, Chelsea bakal berhadapan dengan Manchester United pada putaran keempat Piala Liga Inggris 2019. Meski Ole Gunnar Solskjaer mengaku senang timnya akan menghadapi Chelsea, ujian itu sungguh tidak mudah. Pada pekan perdana, MU memang berhasil menghadirkan mimpi buruk bagi Lampard yang baru menangani Chelsea. Namun, di Piala Liga hasilnya bisa berbeda.
Ole Gunnar dan Frank Lampard sama-sama menyambut gembira hasil undian ini karena menganggap mereka menghadapi ujian yang sesungguhnya. Siapa yang bakal lolos dari ujian? Tidak mudah memprediksi, tetapi yang pasti salah satu dari mereka akan tersingkir.
Kedua pelatih sama-sama ingin membalikkan keadaan di tengah banyak sorotan dari pendukung tim. Jika kembali menuai hasil buruk, masa depan Solskjaer dan Lampard dipertaruhkan.[]

Saya penggemar Chelsea,... Tentu saja saya akan menjagokan Klub kebanggaan saya,..
We are Londoner,...Hmmmmm
Saya pernah menggemari Man Untd dan Chealsea di masa Lampard jadi pemain. Jadi kiban ta dukung? Hehehehe.