Kenapa Buffon Belum Pansiun

in #sportstalk5 years ago

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Selamat pagi semua. Tidak banyak pemain yang berumur diatas 35 tahun masih aktif sebagai pemain profesional. Salah satunya adalah penjaga gawang Juventus Gianluigi Buffon. Buffon masih berada di bawah tiang gawang Juventus meski usianya sudah berajal kepala empat. Dan posisinya di Juventus bukanlah sebagai kiper utama. Meski begitu dalam satu kesempatan Buffon mengaku belum akan pansiun

Nama Buffon terkenal saat dia masih membela AC Parma. Setelah hijrah ke Juventus dia merengkuh banyak trofi sebelum akhirnya sempat bermain ke Prancis bersama Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). Di PSG Buffon hanya bermain semusim. Musim ini Buffon kembali ke Turin

Di ujung karirnya Buffon mulai menikmati menggeluti bidang lainnya. Saat Buffon diangkat sebagai Duta PBB untuk program pangan dunia. Disana dia berperan mengkampanyekan tentang kondisi pangan dunia

Selain meski sudah tua . keahlian dan ketanggugan Buffon di mistar gawang kabarnya membuat pelatih Timnas Italia saat Roberto Mancini kepincut untuk memakai jasanya. Mancini berencana memanggilnya main untuk Timnas Italia sebelum Buffon Pansiun

Harapan Buffon di musim ini adalah dia berharap akan bisa menggangkat Scudetto Serie A Italia musim ini. Ia ingin merasakan ueforia kemenangan bersama Juventus. Menurut Buffon dengan skuad saat ini Juventus adalah calon kuat peraih Scudetto musim ini.



Good morning everyone. Not many players over the age of 35 are still active as professional players. One of them is Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon. Buffon is still under the Juventus goalpost despite his age of four heads. And his position at Juventus is not as the main goalkeeper. Even so on one occasion Buffon claimed not to retire

Buffon's name was famous when he was still defending AC Parma. After moving to Juventus he embraced many trophies before finally playing for France with Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). At PSG Buffon only plays one season. This season Buffon returns to Turin

At the end of his career Buffon began to enjoy cultivating other fields. When Buffon was appointed as the UN Ambassador for the world food program. There he played a role campaigning about the condition of world food

Apart from being old. Buffon's expertise and responsibility on the crossbar reportedly made the Italian national team coach when Roberto Mancini attracted to use his services. Mancini plans to call him to play for the Italian national team before Buffon Pan retirement

Buffon's hope this season is that he hopes to be able to lift the Italian Serie A Scudetto this season. He wants to feel the ueforia of victory with Juventus. According to Buffon with the current squad Juventus are strong candidates for the Scudetto winners this season.


Karena tuuot Buffon masih kuat Abid.

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