Dolph Ziggler Experiences Possibly Career Wrecking Push, Missed Opportunity by WWE Creative

in #sports7 years ago

Even if you are not a fan of wrestling you still probably know that the performers come out to larger than life entrances. These are designed to get the crowd riled up either for good or worse at the entry of the wrestler. Think of the entrances as a calling card of sorts. These are often sacred to each performer – never to be made fun of or attacked, except if done with intent to setup a feud or further such storylines. Recently Dolph Ziggler, one of the more interesting “mid-card” performers on the WWE roster has taken on a “heel” role (bad guy) and started acting out over his place in the company. His chosen method of bringing attention to his plight? The entrances of other WWE superstars.


This is not something that is completely unheard of. After all, Degeneration X did this a lot during their feud with the Corporation, Nation of Domination, etc. Those were done tongue in cheek to get their apparent opponents mad and to give the crowd a good laugh. That is not how the Dolph Ziggler mocking is coming off from the viewpoint of a viewer, a view I am writing this article from.

I am fine with Dolph Ziggler mocking the entrances of other WWE Superstars with a little caveat. They need to be alive. You see, WWE creative have allowed Dolph Ziggler to make fun of Bayley and Naomi (the second, I don’t agree with). Why I don’t agree with his mocking of Naomi’s entrance is partially because of points explained here. Her entrance should be left alone as it represents a major change for the Women’s Championship. Anyhow, those are not the entrances I have a problem with.

Dolph Ziggler mocked Macho Man Randy Savage’s entrance earlier in September and more recently he mocked Ultimate Warrior’s entrance. At first glance you may be thinking, why is that so bad? Both are dead. That is one thing. Second, both were involved in legal heat with the WWE after their departure from the company but prior to their deaths. It just wreaks of a backhanded slap at their legacies in life.

This is a rather disheartening derailment for WWE that could have setup some great feuds for Dolph. WWE creative missed a golden opportunity to take Ziggler’s character back into the main event scene (somewhere he has not been since the last brand split when Vickie Guerrero was GM of Smackdown).

Sure, Ziggler did mock Shane McMahon’s entrance (the current suspended Commissioner of Smackdown Live) but it is apparent that Shane is going to be in a feud with Kevin Owens as they attempt to rebuild the Stone-Cold Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon storyline. That mocking, while cool, was kind of pointless and a wasted spot for a more timely, accessible, entrance mocking session. Here are the entrances I recommend the WWE go with to push Ziggler further in the company:

AJ Styles, current United States champion. While it would be a long shot to put Ziggler in the title hunt for the United States title, especially while Styles is running the “open challenge” that John Cena re-invigorated while he was champion, it would make more sense than having Ziggler mocking dead superstars. Besides, this could involve Ziggler being turned down by Styles for a match, claiming Ziggler already had his change many times over. This could lead to Ziggler interfering with the “United States Open Challenge” each week leading up to a bout between the two at a major pay per view.

Chad Gable, former Smackdown Live Tag Team Champion with Jason Jordan (now a singles competitor on Monday Night RAW). Who wouldn’t want a few wins on a former tag team champion under their belt? This would also allow Ziggler to legitimately move up the ranks and challenge bigger name superstars, some holding titles.

If WWE are dead set on making Ziggler a heel there is no better way than to setup a cross show feud with someone like the Hardy Boys (both of which have competed in singles competition). Imagine the pop from the Smackdown Live crowd if they heard the Hardy’s entrance and the disdain they would have for Ziggler when he comes out instead of Jeff or Matt. It would help solidify him as a heel and it would build up a feud with competitors on the other show in the classic “heel versus face” style the WWE love.

There is a lot of interest in seeing Kurt Angle perform one more time in the squared circle so why not have Ziggler imitate the Olympic Gold Medal winners’ entrance? This could setup a dream match that would surely set off more than a few buy rates at the PPV it would occur at. Also, it would help setup reasons for fans to watch both shows as Angle and Ziggler take shots at each other on their respective shows.

What do you think? What WWE superstar should Ziggler mock next? Who would you like to see him fight in a feud?


Nice read! Angle vs Ziggler @ Royal Rumble 2018, Book it!!! :D

I agree with you... they shouldn't mock the entrances of deceased wrestlers.

Yeah, I was thinking this was funny till I saw his Macho Man imitation. I thought, maybe the backlash would be bad enough that they would stray back from that in the future, but nope. They went whole hog with it. What is worse is apparently Dana Warrior (Ultimate Warrior's wife) is not thrilled with the imitation.

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