Why do atheletes use social media?

in #sports6 years ago

Actually, why does anyone use social media to post stupid shit? The latest person to fall victim to their past self is Sean Newcomb.

Does he look so dejected because he just blew a no-hitter or because he is going to have to answer for the stupid things he tweeted as a teenager?

During his chase for the immortality that accompanies being one of the few human beings alive to pitch a no hitter in a MLB game, some people took the opportunity to reveal some disrespectful tweets the pitcher had sent when he was in High School.

Although he lost the no-no with two outs in the 9th inning, that wasn't the worst thing that happened to him that day. After the game, instead of talking about the greatest game he had ever pitched, Newcomb had to answer for the stupid shit he tweeted when he was a senior in high school.

Does freedom of speech still exist? Of course it does. Unlike in some countries, he is not being thrown in prison because of his words. His character is simply being judged by them. That is pretty much what happens every day. People judge you on your words and your deeds. Sometimes those words make you look like a freaking idiot that a business doesn't want associated with it.

Hopefully people will learn from this lesson.

Lesson 1: Don't be an ignorant ass hat.

Lesson 2: If you can't help being an ignorant ass hat because you are a stupid teenager who does not understand the world yet, don't post things via a medium that is permanent and discoverable by any one at any time.


Just think these same people will be moving to blockchain in the future where there won't be a delete option. I wonder what effect that may have.

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