AFC and NFC Championship Games

in #sports6 years ago


The Conference Championship Round of the Playoffs is coming this Sunday.

Last Week

During the Divisional Round we had some very exciting games:

  • The Jaguars got off to a great start, but the Steelers came back and made it a close game, but fell to the Jags
  • The Vikings got a miraculous touchdown on the last play of the game to come back and beat the Saints
  • The Eagles struggled to put up many points versus the Falcons, but were able to come away with the win
  • The Patriots game was NOT exciting. Even the announcers seemed board and were openly questioning (and mocking) the decisions of the Titans players and coaches. This was Patriots all the way

This week

  • The Jaguars travel to the Patriots in Boston for the final game before the Superbowl. Weather shouldn't be as much of a factor as it should be in the 30-40s. The Jaguars have a talented team and seem well-positioned to take on the Pats. Blake Bortles will need to be consistent and avoid mistakes for the Jaguars to have a chance to win. Converting on 3rd down and avoiding turnovers will keep the Tom Brady off the field and keep the Jags defense fresh. The Patriots offense has many weapons and covering Danny Amendola won't be enough. Watch out for Gronk, and don't forget that running game.

My take: Patriots win 35-21

Source: google weather

  • The Vikings travel to the #1 seed Eagles. The Vikings have the #1 defense in the league this year. The Eagles are up there too. Don't expect this to be a shootout. Points will be scarce. Turnovers will tip the balance of this game. Watch especially for turnovers, specifically pick 6s. Even though I'm anticipating a lower-scoring game, it should be an exciting matchup. Both quarterbacks, Nick Foles and Case Keenum have had great years and either would be a formidable opponent to face in the Superbowl.

My take: Viking win 17-13

What are your thoughts? Who are you rooting for? And most importantly, Who will be going to Minneapolis for Superbowl 52?



The matchup I think I'd like the most to see is the Jaguars vs. the Vikings, just because neither team has ever won a Super Bowl.

However, as impressive as Jacksonville was against a Steelers team that came back to win game after game, Belichick and crew proved against the Titans (a team that beat the Jaguars twice this season) that they won't look ahead or overestimate a team. They also proved they weren't ready to break up the dynasty yet.

So, my guess is, Patriots beat Jaguars (your score is as good as any), and the Vikings will beat the Eagles. I'd like the Eagles chances better if they still had Wentz instead of a rather spotty Foles. Vikings have more offense right now to go along with their defense.

So, that makes it a first ever home game in a Super Bowl, with Minnesota vs. New England.

So, looks like we agree.

I think that would be a good matchup. And that homefield advantage for the Vikings...

I'm not too worried that the Patriots so easily handled the Titans. I think they were just posing and somehow actually managed to get past a few teams. They have a talented roster, but it always kinda felt like they were just acting the part, like they don't believe they're contenders yet.

Yeah, that was a heavy blow for the Eagles to lose Wentz, but Foles has come through enough that they're still in position for greatness.

Hope you're having a good week!

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