Trump Spikes The Football 🏈 on Roger Goodell's Face

in #sports7 years ago

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell FINALLY tells the teams and players that they must stand for the National Anthem, but is it too late? This entire mess was mishandled from the start last year when Colin Kaepernick embarrassed himself and the sport by kneeling, wearing socks with police officers depicted as pigs, and proudly wore a pro Fidel Castro t shirt, who is one of the most brutal and evil dictators of the last 50 years.

But Goodell did nothing until now. Television ratings have completely tanked and many fans are completely done with the NFL in general. I am not sure if they will be able to recover any time soon. Cheers!

The president telling a private company what to do is scary and unAmerican. What is also unAmerican is that private company taking money from the government to spread military propaganda.

@chieppa1, you could not be more wrong, my friend. If our President was "telling" a private company how to act/respond/handle business, he would have enacted an Executive Order doing so.

President Trump did not tell them or force them to do anything. He stated that "....If I was an owner....I'd fire the sons of .........". That is merely one man giving his opinion. In other words, President Trump was exercising his right to free speech.

The point that every is missing and that the media and the NFL has ignored (to their own detriment, I might add) is that President Trump initially made those remarks at a campaign rally in Alabama and those remarks were met with THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE. That means, our President merely verbalized what thousands of people were already thinking. The NFL ignored that fact and now they are paying a dear price.

Donald Trump is the leader of the largest government and military in history of the world. When he says "I like a company should X", it has more pull then a private citizen. When the NFL began taking $$ and favors from that government, they now are in business with the government, and when the leader of that organization says something, they can only stand up to him so much.

Now, if they were purely private, then his comments would have not power behind them. As you said, he didn't enact an Executive Order. He threatened their tax exempt status and they caved.

Maybe if the military didn't pay the NFL to have the players on the field during the Anthem, this wouldn't be an issue. But they do.

It's funny to me how the fans want the players to stand for the Anthem and "don't want politics in football". Bringing the military and nationalism into the football is political. Fans can't have it both ways. They are freaking out over something that wasn't part of the game less than a decade ago.

The President (I capitalized the P when speaking about the POTUS) and Congress give them tax exempt status. If a company does not want government scrutiny, then don't accept tax exempt status. But they do so the President alluded to taking away that status. President Trump's comment caused Mr Goodell to finally get a backbone because he knew the NFL would fold.

Your definition of unAmerican is what's scary and you probably vote. Your last statement doesn't even make enough sense so I can disect it.

President Trump bringing attention to this issue will fix the problem. Mr Goodell knows he's not dealing with a red line in the sand President. The kneelers in the NFL will either get in line or get out. That's what the viewers want. We don't want politics in sports. Next, we need to get the commentators to keep their political views to themselves. Just comment on the game.

Having the government give special favors to certain companies is unconstitutional. It allows the government to gain control of that company and dictate it's policies. This is Fascist. The NFL is in on this scam, I don't disagree with that. It's their fault for taking special favors from the government. They now need to do what the government says.

The Pentagon absolutely paid teams for patriotic events to boost military recruitment. That is not disputed. The players were NEVER on the field for the Anthem previously:

"We don't want politics in sports". Then don't make a deal with the government for tax breaks and $$$.

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