Bottoms Up: A Drinking Game For the 2017 NBA Draft

in #sports7 years ago

(Image via Basketball Insiders)

Unless you are an NBA super fan, have a son that eligible or are participating in @sportsncoffee NBA Draft contest, the draft can get a bit tiresome and boring.

Let's liven it up a bit with a fun drinking game!

First off, find some friends and pour some glasses full of your favorite drink. Water, juice, something a bit stronger perhaps? Your choice.

Next, turn on the 2017 NBA Draft on ESPN or WatchESPN at 7pm.

Here are the rules.

Take a sip anytime you hear these words or phrases:
Finishes at the Rim
Protects the Rim

Take a drink every time you are reminded of the following:
Danny Ainge makes lots of trades
The Nets used to hold the #1 pick
University of Washington had a losing record
Lonzo Ball has brothers that also play basketball

Take two drinks every time you hear that:
The Celtics have lots of future draft picks
LeBron James needs help to win a championship
This is a two-team league
There is no Michael Jordan in this draft class
An overseas prospect is mentioned

Finish your drink when:*
Lavar Ball is mentioned, shown, or interviewed

Disclaimer - be a responsible person and don't drive anywhere if you've been drinking alcohol.


finish all the drinks, roll on floor laughing if the Celtics draft Lonzo Ball

I will turn the TV off if that happens. Do not want.

Sounds like death lol

Can I add - take a sip every time a prospect calls himself "blessed"

I would be in the hospital within the first 30 minutes! Lavar Ball will be stealing the show....

You left out "the process". Worthy of a drink.

That's a huge oversight.

How do we feel about "Lavar ball walks up on stage with Lonzo - finish your drink"???

Consume an entire 40oz

😂 geez dude! Take it easy! Unless you are talking about water. If you're talking about alcohol, there is no chance of survival.

Even if Lozno is not the N1 pick, I guess his popularity growth in the mainstream media over the others would play a big role in the draft. I guess NBA it is all "bread and circuses" at this point...

Hahaha...if its alcohol will need to watch it from a hospital bed.

nice advice @nepd
don't drive if you are driving...nice images and concept...keep it up

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