How I Spent The Super Bowl

in #sports8 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow steemians! I hope everyone enjoyed themselves yesterday during yesterdays SuperBowl event. I'm neither a Patriots fan nor a Falcons fan. Just a quick story that I cannot believe happened to me yesterday.


Image Credit

I actually stayed home for this event and was watching an uneventful first quarter when my ex-roommate walked into the house. Earlier in the morning the landlord came by and cleaned the upstairs bedroom where said occupant lived. I therefore presumed that this person no longer lived on the premesis. Earlier in the day, I had cleaned up the mess that was left in the kitchen when he removed his personal belongings...I also cleaned out the refrigerator freezer as his freezer burn food (peas, corn, bread) were no longer wanted.

I was sitting in a rocking chair with the cast iron stove burning hot watching the game on my laptop. He immediately went upstairs to his room and I thought (oh he must still have some personal belongings to collect.)

He came downstairs and opened the freezer door.....and lost his shit. He started cussing and cursing, making accusations about unrelated events. I eventually had enough and started yelling myself too, "shut the fuck up and do not talk to me". He had never heard me raise my voice, which gave him pause. Unfotunately at most that pause lasted 2 to 3 minutes before he began to yell at me again.

As I was on my rocking chair still, I returned the favor by repeating, "shut the fuck up and do not talk to me." He then started taking 3 quick strides from the kitchen toward me. I sprang up and delivered a straight right, followed by a left hook, followed by another straight right. He managed a short jab but we tied each other up while his eyes focused back into place. I screamed at him, "Are you done?!" He replied, "yeah I'm done." I pushed him backward and released him and waited for another attack.

It didn't come and he went upstairs. I sat back down in the rocking chair, shaking from the adrenaline rush and weezing like a bellows. (I currently have a cold.)

I decided to go to the bathroom just in case there was any damage that I didn't know about when I heard him from the mud room in the back of the house, "You fuckin' pussy why don't you come outside!" I was like, "whaaaattttt?!?" I rushed to the mudroom where asshole was there waiting for me to come through the doorway, where he then threw his monitor and mainframe computer at me, that he retrieved from upstairs. Definitely took the wind out of my sails for a second before I roared and it became fists and elbows in a confined space.

The Landlord was in the back of the property (outside) and did nothing (even though he heard all the rukus.) I have another roommate who was in the front the house, who came to see what the commotion was (in the back of the house) about. He then broke up the second fight. Asshole leaves...

Not more than 3 minutes goes by when Asshole storms back into the house accusing me of stealing his wallet. (He has a perpensity of leaving his wallet everywhere) could have fallen out during the fights... I don't know but now, I'm loosing it. I'm telling the other roommate to call the fucking cops. He leaves out back..again...and then heads over to the landlord. I've decide enough is enough. I make a "b" line to both of them where I hear him accusing me of thievery and that if I do not return his wallet he's going back inside and break my laptop.

I then start yelling to the landlord, "please call the cops, I'm about to end this fool." I don't know what registered in the tiny mind of his but he turned away and headed off to his car.

As I'm talking to the landlord, he then tells me that he and "Asshole" had a fist fight before I had started renting there. I shake my head in disbelief...I go back inside the house and watch Asshole drive away. As I'm inside I related what the landlord has told me about him fighting Asshole.. my roommate then tells me, "oh yeah, he fought 2 previous tennants who lived here before you."

Not my landlord or existing roommate ever mentioned this bit of information to me once as I started to rent there. They could've mentioned there might be a violent individual sleeping under the same roof.

My friend calls me up and asks if I wanted to watch the rest of the SuperBowl at a rest/bar called the Snazzy Badger...I say why not. I check the score before I leave 21 - 3 at halftime. The Snazzy Badger is 5 miles away and I make it there just as Lady Gaga was finishing up. I'm surrounded by a sea of Falcon fans and I order a beer and the score is 28-3.

I then lift up my beer and in a loud voice proclaim, "You will now witness the greatest comeback in NFL history!!!!!" The Falcons fans all snickered and I wasn't trying to start any fight. Everyone was on their phones...googling...and people around me and eventually the commentators were saying no one has ever come back from a 25 point deficit in the SuperBowl to win.

I then watched the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots do the impossible. I made a bet (on steemit) for this game. I thought the final score was going to be 38 to 23 NewEngland winning it. When it was all said and done the final score was 34 to 28 New England. Most of the Falcon fans looked at me numbly and left.


Photo take yesterday right hand


Photo take this morning left hand.

So I hairline fractured two fingers during my fisticuffs (one on each hand). Without this happening to me the Patriots would not have won the SuperBowl. Yes Patriots fans you have me to thank.

I do not condone violence in fact I believe the only time it's required is to protect yourself or if you see someone who is defenseless. I had been planning on leaving in mid March from the residence I'm currently in, to out of the country.... this only confirms that the choice I made is the correct one.

I hope everyone else had a safer Super Bowl than I. Never forget to upvote and feel free to comment.


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