WWE Raw on Sept 10th 2018 Review and Recap

in #sports6 years ago

Welcome to my review and recap blog of Monday Night Raw on Sept 10th 2018 The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik.

Renee Young is announced as a full time Announcer.

Drew Mcintyre and Doplph Ziggler enter the area followed by Bruan Strowman. Than Kevin Owens and AOP, along Mahal, Elias, and others surround the ring. A recap of the Shield vs the Pack from last week is shown.

The Shield enters the ring area and Ambrose takes out axe handles and attacks the wrestlers around the ring. Jinder Mahal gets nailed in the ring by the Shield.

In the back area Shield holding the axe handles and surrounded by police Baron Corbin tells the Shield they have to leave the arena or have the titles stripped so the Shield leaves.


Tonight seemed filled with recaps of last week Raw and promotional advertising from Raw.

AOP shown in the back with new Manager Drake Maverick before the match.

Recaps of the Matches for Hell in the Cell.


Triple H arrives to the ring in a limo and he walks to the ring and takes the mic.

Ambrose and Rollins attack Drew and Dolph after the match.

Recap of Hell in the Cell match with Mankind and Undertaker.

Rollins and Ambrose bring a Sheriff and start to arrest Baron Corbin but some kind of deal was made with Corbin.

Owens talks to crowd and says he can do what ever he wants when he wants with his new agreement with Baron Corbin.

He calls out Bobby Lashley.

Elias is shown in the back and spits in the face of staff member as Bruan Strowman also attacks staff of WWE.

I had to ask what does the WWE do as I am sure STAFF are not wrestlers on the show!

Elias is in the ring with a melody as this has become the normal on Raw.

Mick Foley comes out and Elias song is wasted as crowd chants FOLEY!

Mick Foley Will be the special guest referee at Hell in the Cell.

Strowman on a rampage to find Roman finally gets some good advice go to the ring!


Nikki Bella vs Ruby Riott:


AOP vs Unknown Wrestlers:

Winners: AOP


Drew Mcintyre and Dolph Ziggler vs B Team ( Bo Dallas and Curtis Axle)

Winners: Drew and Dolph

Kevin Owens vs Tyler Breeze:

Winner: The match never starts but Owens power bombs Breeze on the apron.

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs Acension:

Winners: Roode and Gable

Natyla and Rousey vs Bliss and James:

Winners: Natyla and Bliss

Elias vs Finn Balor:

Winner: Balor

Toward the end of Raw Strowman comes to the ring yelling Roman. Roman and Strowman fight on the stage. Strowman attempts to drop Roman but Roman somon drop to Strowman as both are on the floor. Roman walks away however.

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