Taking the $$$$ out of sports..specifically in terms of re-asserting legitimate team pride. MY FORMULA.

in #sports6 years ago

I grew up in one of the two worst places to be a baseball fan in the 70s and 80s...in New England. Being a faithful fan of the lovable, bumbling Red Sox of most of those years was a badge of honor all in and of itself, surpassed only by being a fan of the even more lovably bumbling Chicago Cubs. But then came the magical season of 2004, and the miraculous A.L. Championship, 0-3 series comeback, against the Yankees; and then, the anti-climactic sweep of the Cardinals for the Sox first World Series victory in 86 years.

That was wonderful, thrilling and a joy, even at the age of 43, when childhood pleasures should have been put away, long since, for more "grown up" pursuits and aims. The Sox have been respectable since, winning again in '07 and '13, and coming close other years. This year they are a juggernaut, 68-30 at the All-Star break, and perhaps the strongest team, top-to-bottom, in Red Sox history. But the joy is missing...

I can't help but KNOW that this team was built by the almighty dollar, and not by any of the things that should engender team pride...like internal development, regional athletes, under-dog talent rising to beat better teams, chemistry, etc. It is all because Dave Dombrowski went out and BOUGHT this team. It's amazing that "Red Sox Nation" has broken through to the point they can (apparently) underwrite such massive expenditures, but it is not SOUL SATISFYING in the way those underdog, under-salaried Sox teams of the past were.

Sure...this team might win 115 games, win the division, the A.L. Championship, and then their fourth World Series in 15 years, but it will not FEEL the same if they do. In fact, now, it will be a disappointment if they don't. AND...there will be no real reason for Red Sox fans to stick out their chests in pride if they do. (The same could be said of the Yankees, of course-- or the top spending teams in all the other major U.S. team sports.)

Here is what I propose... I suggest we promote something new called "The Real Winners" for each of the four major American team sports. We Steemians might even figure out a way to monetize it...lol...!

What we do is we take total wins (extra points for playoff wins) and divide those into the payroll figure. The team that has the least spent PER WIN is declared the League Champion for that season, but we in the steemiverse will publish and promote these "real winners" in some unique (and yet TBD) ways.

What thinkest thou? Could we work out the fine print and promote this, or what?


ha! @mepatriot this is another brilliant idea that you came up with! give that man a raise..I appoint you to put this initiative together! lol. I think it's time for something like this I mean really the money spent on players and teams is obscene and it's comes down to who can spend the most.
great points and idea!

Thanks, Jon. I appoint you Commissioner.

oh my gosh that guy makes millions each year..think how much SP I could buy with that!
and for all my friends!

LOL...I know...right?

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