
It's great when deals like this can be made between a city and an educational institution, which improves the entire community as a result. Great review and walkthrough @jrcornel.

Thank you! Yes I agree. It really is in a bad part of town as well. If the newly renovated course can somehow bring in some money to the area it would help the community a lot as well.

Your welcome, and sometimes changes like this can spark up some local interest and improve the area.

Yea I think that is the hope... thanks for stopping by and for the nice words! :)

My pleasure @jrcornel! Have a great weekend :)

That's pretty neat. I lived across from a golf course at one point in my life, those were fun late nites with my friends, oops, did I say that hahahaha

have you always lived out that way, or is that in another post of yours somewhere man?

Yea I've been out in AZ for quite a while, not forever, but a good chunk! :)

Where were you prior, if you don't me asking or what led you there?

Wow! Interesting post! good photos!

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