Cheryshev is under suspicion

in #sports6 years ago


Denis Cheryshev is being investigated by the State Anti-Doping Agency (Aepsad), as published on Saturday by the British newspaper The Telegraph, after the report that the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (Rusada) has sent him after the interview he published before the World Cup with the father of the player, Dimitri, the Russian half Sport Weekend talking about an injection they gave his son Denis with "growth hormone".

This raised dust and for that reason the anti-doping agency went into the matter to gather all the precise information on the matter, even calling Denis Cheryshev and his father - who was already appearing for a second time - at the moment when the participation of the national team ended. in the above mentioned World where the end of 27 years was one of the sensations when writing down four goals in five encounter.

According to the Russian Football Federation, the treatment received by Denis was an injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) "legal", according to the British media, and said federation accused the Russian media of "incorrect interpretation" adding that same mistake "was confirmed in the recording of the interview" in the aforementioned media.

The Russian publication accepted that it was never intentional or understood as a real growth hormone, adding that in the interview he referred to the "growth factor" as another term for platelet-rich plasma therapy.

Report from Russia to Spain

According to Telegraph Sport, the deputy general director of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (Rusada), Margarita Pakhnotskaya, had recently sent a report to the Spanish Agency for Health Protection (Aepsad) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to give evidence of the investigations practiced in this respect and, therefore, right now is in the hands of Antidopaje in Spain.

The Russian Federation, according to the British newspaper, indicated that the course of the player's treatment - which according to Cheryshev's father had been carried out in Villarreal - had been reviewed by his own medical committee, but that the Spanish club did not had given no medical record in this regard.

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