Stephen Curry Hits Another 3‼️🏀 — This Time In The Bedroom👶🏼

in #sports6 years ago

Ayesha Curry announced she is pregnant with her third child on instagram. She is the wife of Stephen Curry, the basketball star, and is a chef. Steph Curry and Chef Curry already have two other children: Riley, 5 years old, and Ryan, 2 years old.


As Steph’s NBA legacy grows, his family is also growing. He is best know for his long 3-point shots that have become the dream of every kid playing street basketball. He has led the Golden State Warriors to many wins with his 3 point shot, and just hit an even more valuable 3 in his personal life. Congrats to him and his family as they continue to grow


True 3p0int-King now with his third 0ne 0n the way ;D
Great feed!

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