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RE: Usain Bolt Stripped Of Medal After Scandal

in #sports8 years ago

""Its interesting as methylhexaneamine was not actually specifically mentioned on the 2008 list of prohibited substances."
Is this retroactive? That would be dumb, something legal at the time of the competition is then said to be illegal. Looks to me that they are targeting the Jamaican team.
I'll bet you every professional athlete takes one or the other supplement, and now they will not be sure of any medal or prize they get because sometime in the future someone decides that substance is illegal they are screwed.
And I'll bet you the people who came to this decision can take a ton of methylhexaneamine they still wouldn't even get close to the slowest guy on the Jamaican team, this is pure crap.
I can give you 2 examples, the baseball players who took enhancers like Sammy Sosa and the others, do you think the supplemetns helped them hit the ball better? No, that was their individual talent, maybe it helped them hit harder but that's as far as it gets. Or take Maradona in 1994 USA World Cup, they got him on an OTC cold medicine, this is just to show you sports as nearly every other aspect of life is just a tightly woven mafia.


Hmm, it does seem like the ban on methylhexaneamine was put in place in 2009. In which case I don't agree with a retroactive ban on those who tested positive in events prior to the ban.

Do I think supplements helped Sammy Sosa hit the ball better, yes absolutely as they allowed him to train at a level surpassing what is possible naturally. Does that discredit his individual talent? No. Sosa was a phenomenal baseball player and exciting to watch. Would he have hit as many home runs with out the doping? Nope. Would he still have hit a lot? Yep.

I mean I understand the logic behind their use, these people spend their whole lives trying to be the best of the best, at some point you start asking your self, what else can I do to achieve this.

As for OTC compounds, the goal for the olympics (or at least what should be the goal) is to create an absolutely level playing field. The games should be a testament to what is the best of the best through human training. The logic behind the banned substances is clear, and their is always biochemical justification for doing so.

That said, I stand by the thought that retroactive removal of accolades for use of substances that were NOT banned at the time is not okay. We make rules of gamesmanship and those rules apply to all moments going forward until a rule is revoked. The rules of gamesmanship don't apply to times before the rules existed.

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