Superbowl LII: a recap from my mind

in #sports7 years ago (edited)

"Look Stallion, when you won that last fight, you won by one second. You beat me by one second. That's very hard for a man of my intelligence to handle."

~~ Apollo Creed

It's annoying how mythical Brady becomes if the defense just makes that stop at 33-32.

He'd end the game with 450-500 yards passing, and yet another comeback victory. Three titles in four years once again, with the aura of being unbeatable and the option to ride off on that note.

Instead it's an ugly feather.

Going for it on 4th down on that drive (down 33-32) was a great decision by Philadelphia. First I was happy the Patriots stopped them and would be getting the ball back, then it dawned on me "oh... they should go for it here", and traditionally coaches often don't make the correct aggressive decision, so I was hopeful they wouldn't, but they did.

The Nick Foles trick play, when they went for a touchdown rather than field goal at the end of the first half, was a really interesting and probably good decision too.

The big thing is, if they didn't score, the Patriots are pinned deep and they aren't scoring either. (Some chance they'll even take a safety.) Whereas if you kick the FG, there's some chance the Patriots will use the 20 or 30 seconds or whatever to score themselves. So kicking the FG has some implied points lost. I think it was the right move, but very close.

The press talks about it being "daring" and "courageous" and stuff like that, but in reality Philadelphia is just trying to make the decision that gives them the best chance to win and I doubt it's guided by an emotional impulse.

Historically, coaches are often unwilling to do the right thing when it would be perceived as "risky". Because they'll take the blame if it doesn't work, whereas no one would second guess them for doing what was perceived as the textbook, traditional thing to do.

So emotion and impulse is often the reason for doing the wrong thing, but probably not for doing the right thing.

Today there's enough attention on analytics where I'd imagine the teams' power structures have come to understand what's actually correct in certain situations, and Pederson knows he's allowed or even actively groomed to err this way in these spots.

But how 'bout that Nick Foles?

As the game went on, it started to dawn on me that Foles just wasn't gonna make a mistake. It felt like trying to nail jello to a wall.

Ironically I think the Patriots would have been better off if Wentz was playing. I mean, as it turned out, of course that's true. Foles played near perfect, so if you could do it over again of course you'd take Wentz and try your luck with that.

But even in theory it might be true.

I warned before their post-season run began to not underestimate Nick Foles, and I speculated that he may have some rare ability to "dig deep and zone in". And he certainly did a lot to live up to that billing.

Belichick, being a master of finding a player's flaw and taking away what they're good at, may have done just fine against Wentz. But there's really no technical, Xs and Os response to someone who is unconscious and zoned in.

It's almost like trying to beat magic with science. If you're a great scientist, you'd probably rather be up against another scientist than the guy who once in a while will be magic.

So for that reason I almost feel like the Patriots should have preferred Wentz (at least over the zoned in version of Nick Foles who showed up), where even tho he's better than Foles on paper, there's a decent chance they would have found a counter-measure to him.

remember that the INT was actually a great throw that the receiver bobbled and accidentally batted over to the defense

Close calls

There were a few close calls that didn't go the Patriots' way.

Basically, three of Philadelphia's touchdowns were borderline and could have reasonably been called against them. (And they weren't "2nd down & 3 to the goal" and would most likely end up scoring anyways type of situations. They were pivotal calls.)

That stuff happens, but it's annoying if the refs had like a "reverse bias" thing going on where they know people are complaining about the Patriots being favored and err towards Philly so as to not be perceived as biased.

It was 3-for-3 rather borderline calls, and to me it does feel like "reverse bias" likely was at play.

I think the Zach Ertz call actually was a solid call. It did kind of feel like he did just enough to become a runner. I sort of suspect that if that one had come first, one of the other two calls may have gone the Patriots' way. (But even knowing the Patriots sort of deserved the next borderline call, this one wasn't quite borderline enough.)


The GOAT was wonderful. He was about as GOATy as you can ask for.

And it's wild how much of a perception swing it is, like how epic his game goes down as if they win. But losing takes a lot of air out of it. I guess it removes the "magic" of feeling like maybe he'd come up with absolutely anything you need. It puts a finite ceiling on it.

It's pretty unlucky if you're Tom Brady.

First, that Nick Foles would play that well and your defense would be so unable to stop them.

The three close Philadelphia touchdown calls (which doesn't have to mean they were wronged at all, but even still they're super high leverage situations that were decided by a hair and all went the other way).

Missed field goal.

And even a couple things that Brady was involved with are "unlucky" in a sense. The trick play where he became a receiver almost worked and was a high leverage spot, and the strip sack is a freakishly high leverage spot even if he's partly responsible for it.

Basically, it's hard to never punt and throw for 500 yards and somehow lose.


It would be funny if Belichick was secretly sabotaging the Brady's and the Kraft's and was deliberately trying to play Swiss cheese defense. Like he's an evil genius getting a kick out of making Brady earn it, and would have been okay with either outcome.

A Superbowl win right now, with Brady's documentary coming out and the hand injury and how they won in Jacksonville and whatnot, seems like it would do plenty more for Brady's legacy relative to Belichick. In general reaching a Superbowl and losing is worse for the perception of the athlete than the coach, since we want our athletes to "come through in the clutch" and "win on the biggest stage", whereas the coach is more judged linearly for sustained success and putting his team in positions to win and whatnot.

Which doesn't mean it would be bad for Belichick's legacy in gross terms, but if he's caught up in the power struggle with Brady, there are some redeeming aspects to losing.

The Malcolm Butler benching is odd, but I'm not necessarily that serious about suspecting he was managing to lose. But it's odd.

I'm also skeptical of not kicking the FG on the 35-yard line on 4th&5, trailing 9-3 at the time (after the trick play where Brady missed the reception).

Sure it's a safe spot on the field to go for it on 4th, but 5 is a lot. And a 52-yard field goal in a dome is one you expect to make.

If it were 3 yards to go at the 38, I think that tilts it towards going for it. So it's close and not beyond the scope of having any idea what he was thinking or whatever. But 5 yards at the 35 feels kind of clearly like FG to me, and I think it was a mistake.

They had issues with the other kick earlier, and maybe that was floating around Belichick's head, but it would be kind of dumb and result-oriented to base future situations off the idea of that happening again.

So one way or another, Belichick's stock goes down in my eyes.


I think Brady played like a champion, and the coaching (mixed in with a healthy dose of bad luck) did a lot to lose it for them.

#GOATlife, try again next year


What a day, bro! Couldn't watch, of course, but I woke up to the result and boy was I suprised! Honestly I just felt bad for the GOAT though, cos that was a helluva game he had. Would have been cemented in greatness, no doubt.

But of course I still think he's okay as is. And yeah, HOW ABOUT THAT NICK FOLES! You know how we were taking about getting in the GOAT's mind! Bro I'd give anything to get in Wentz's mind right now. Damn.

What a game, though. Too bad for Tom, but that's just how the game goes.

Ya! Really brutal! Live by the sword die by the sword I guess. Like over his career there are plenty of breaks that went in his favor, but it would have been nice to get a GOAT finish to this one!

Sure would. I think he's still got one more in him, though!

Ya I think he could! It won't ever be as pristine as going back to back and 3-out-of-4 for the second time.. like there'd be an air of invincibility if he had one this one.. but it'd still be great if he's able to grind out one more

Oh and I'd really appreciate it if u could check out the contest I got going on my page.

Cool I will!! I'll give it a read in a few mins.

Thanks for the support, bro! Appreciated!

Brady did play like a champion. And you have been on the Nick Foles train from the beginning. I think the 4th down TD call by Peterson will go down as one of the best play calls in history. That was a great play design, that was simple to execute (or at least they made it look easy).

I agree with you on analytics making it OK for coaches to take more chances. I'd give equal weight to Belichick himself ironically. I think every coach in all of football got a bigger green light to take risk the very night Belichick went for it on 4th down on their own side of the field (I think) against Peyton Manning. I don't have any data, but I would bet the data shows coaches have become riskier league wide after that night. IMO Mike McCarthy certainly has (who I watch the most). And is some strange way (butterfly effect), that might be why Doug Pederson felt comfortable going for it on 4th down, when the call should have been a field goal.

Brady is still the GOAT. Doubt we are going to see any QBs reach 8 SBs for a long time if ever. 5-3 SB record is better than anyone else (5-3 is still better than 4-0 from cool Joe. 5-99 would still be better).

I really hope Brady and Belichick come back. At this point for Brady, it's about Love of the Game. He's the Kevin Costner of the NFL (nobody plays the archetype of veteran athlete hanging on as long as he can than Kevin Costner).

Ya, it does seem like coaches are getting better/riskier across the board. Especially in big games. It could be that they have more of a green light when it matters most, but maybe would err against it in a run of the mill regular season game if they feel it would (1) annoy the fans and/or (2) be a distraction to answer to in the press, if it didn't work out.

Plus it's probably good to be a little bit of a sleeping dog and not tip your hand that you're one of the teams who will do it.

I hadn't thought about that Belichick call being the catalyst of it all, but easily could be. That was maybe like a wakeup call that clearly he's willing to do such things, and he's winning.. so maybe that's a part of the magic elixr.

It definitely could be a butterfly sort of thing where the more it gets out there in the collective consciousness of everyone, there's more impunity for coaches when they go that way.

"Brady is still the GOAT. Doubt we are going to see any QBs reach 8 SBs for a long time if ever. 5-3 SB record is better than anyone else (5-3 is still better than 4-0 from cool Joe. 5-99 would still be better)."

Right! Losing in the Superbowl is better than losing in an earlier round, lol. I never understand the "Joe is 4-0" thing, it's not as tho he isn't also losing in every season outside of the 4, so it's basically trying to give him credit for losing earlier.

There could come a point where maybe you could say "Brady played forever so he had more chances". OK, whatever. It wouldn't be that powerful of a point but it'd at least make sense (to make it about championships per attempt). But the 4-0 thing is just screwy thinking.

I am a big believer in Nick foles. I watche dhim three years in Tucson for Arizona...He in 2013 threw 27 Td,s 2 int. see my two posts weeks before the game..I said "foles could take them to the Superbowl and WIN.

He proved you right! He's a true champion now.

In my country the common sport is soccer but this super bowl was amazing, i like how these teams played, i mean all attack and i like to see points because more points more emotions. Regards

ya this was high scoring for a super bowl! I think it was the highest point total to lose with.

though I do not know much about football but I think it is a nice game and exciting hehe

ya it can be fun! thanks for stopping by!

thanks for share this

Thanks!!! I appreciate that a lot.

Oh darn, it looks like you didn't resteem it. Why lie?

cheek again that is resteemit

Wait, no. I was right the first time. You resteemed it after I called you out. Lol. Good try.

You're right!!! Boy is my face red, lol.

Sorry for doubting you. People like to post "resteemed" and "upvoted" these days, and not actually resteem or upvote lol, and I thought I looked and didn't see it on your page. But ya, it's there :)

I like the post & love football....
resteemit done

Thanks @mahanjonk!!! I'm gonna upvote you at 100% for that

Why does the resteem not show on your profile?

yes resteemit done
carry on

Thanks!!! You really did resteem it! :)

The other spammers lied about it!

Wow...i appreciate this football.i like this post...i wait your next post.....

thanks @mdismail, my next post was about gay wedding cakes, as it turns out. Perhaps you'll appreciate that too.

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