Nadal vs Djokovich!

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

Pardon my feet in the photo.

Pardon Nadal's harried facial expression too.

I signed up for a free trial of DirectTv app to watch it. Had to navigate thru some technical difficulties, and now I'm on it.

I was close to making a little bet on Novak, especially with him listed as a small underdog. But I don't want to root against Nadal. Gotta love Father Nadal. So just gonna watch.

Any time Djokovich, Nadal, or Federer go head to head it's pretty meaningful in terms of how it can impact the GOAT race.


What a match that was huh! I was going to comment when I saw this earlier (about thirty minutes ago) then I saw the match was on at the time, so I decided to wait until it was over. And my God what a match it was!

I used to be a Federer Nadal guy too a until I saw this interview/documentary thing of Djokovic doing impressions of fellow tennis star and he did this impression of, I think, Sharapova, that was so freaking adorable I had no choice but to fall in love with him since then.

He's had a bit of a lull these past year or two and father Nadal's been on fire so I'm sorta glad Djokovic won this time!

Those two old guys are still the GOATs though! It's amazing how these old GOATs--Brady, Bron, Nadal, Federer, Ronaldo etc--don't seem to want to get old!

Omgggg I know right?? I MISSED IT! I was asleep lol.

Really liked the part of the match from yesterday too, night time at Wimbledon on the lawn had a cool feel to it.

Hahaha I think I might have seen the same thing. I saw something about him doing impressions once that warmed me up to him. Just, wasn't enough to make me root for him over them, lol.

Ya he's been on a dip.. for a while he seemed way on pace to challenge Fed's titles, then Fed won a couple and he slumped, and Nadal won a couple too. All these matches between these guys are so huge and pivotal. Djok still has plenty of time to make a run at it, I guess a lot will depend on what kind of level he maintains over time and if any younger threats show up.

Really sick how the old guys are hanging on. I feel like "modern technology" could have a bit to do with it ;) Like we've figured out how to extend an athlete's life by a little, so they have a few of these grand master years where they can still do it and have all the experience, more than prior generations.

Djok still has plenty of time to make a run at it, I guess a lot will depend on what kind of level he maintains over time and if any younger threats show up.

Yeah, I'm rooting for him too. I mean he might not quite get there but I'm backing him to at least give it a go.

I feel like "modern technology" could have a bit to do with it

Riiiiiight. I never really thought of it like that but it's absolutely true. More analytics, statistics, advanced training gears and routines and even healthier lifestyles. Definitely, man. Well here's to modern technology! May Brady play till eighty haha!


People just get more and more refined at the best way to do it, and how to extend life and properly recover etc. I'd probably include PEDs too. I don't know specifically how they would help offset age.. but if there's a way, people will find it.

Brady may never be challenged!! NFL will die off due to concussion type of issues before there's another old man grandmaster baha

I've always appreciated the full-measure approach of Nadal. However, Rog is probably the all time best, he has old man game and can place shots everywhere. Watching the top tennis matches is great theatre.

Definitely!! full-measure supports Federer as GOAT actually!!!

I think I gave Nadal his due, in the GOAT article I wrote before, but support Fed for sure.

It's a weird thing where you have to love Nadal.. such a wizard on clay, and then he's just such a warrior and wins more on the other surfaces than you expect him to. But Federer seems like the pure tennis player who you'd draw up in a lab and be proud of.

My list of GOATs is:

baseball is lame

But LeBron was more with the caveat that that's what my heart says, but hoping for another feather or two before it's all said and done.

I feel like winning the East on his own this year almost counts as a feather. But want to see another title.

Tbh mate for me Federer is the absolute boss and GOAT. He is the reason I started to watch tennis and he played a significant role in the development of the game. Nadal and Novac and also on thr highest level but I think Roger is just brilliant. And I think numbers agree...

Ya!! Fed is GOAT imo. I actually think he's a little unlucky, that Nadal is a tough matchup for him and Djok.. like the way the ages work, he has to play against Djok's prime as an aging player. So he takes more losses against his biggest rivals than he needs to. But pure GOAT, and a pure gentleman too.

Nadal would also be a fine GOAT and could still catch him in grand slams. It would probably be a funky thing where he'd have like 14 or 15 at the French, and you almost need to separate as "best all court player" and then "freak wizard unbeatable on clay and kind of all around GOAT".

I predict he ends up 1 shy, and then they both have to sweat Djokovich for a few years.

Enjoy watching!
Honestly, it feels like the last decade playing only these three tennis players. With few exceptions, they are only the once who usually wins the finals. My favorite tennis player is Rodger Federer, especially for his amazing consistency. Not many out there like him.

Ya, it's really weird. I think drugs and technology can make it more top-heavy, like if only a few people have the best connections and all the latest stuff, maybe the best coaching and analytics too. So modern technology seems like it could widen the gap between players. Maybe that plus there happened to be 3 so good around the same time.

I like Fed too!!! I always root for him, and then root for Nadal over Djok, and never root for Djok lol.

...always root for him, and then root for Nadal over Djok, and never root for Djok lol.

I’m the same lol. I wonder why?

baha sick .. maybe that's the true order of greatness and we recognize it :p

At the beginning I rooted for Nadal over Fed, when Nadal was more unknown and unexpected. But then appreciated Fed more and more.

😞 can you believe Djokovic had just beaten Nadal. Of course one of those three are in the final again.

ya unbelievable, 10-8 in the fifth!! must have been epic, I slept thru it, haven't even seen the highlights yet ha.

If Nadal got his 18th title here he'd be so in striking distance of Federer. Still in striking distance, but adding a non-French win would be huge for him.

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